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to turn defence into attack

  • 1 defence

    defence, American defense [dɪ'fens]
    1 noun
    (a) (protection) défense f;
    how much is spent on defence? combien dépense-t-on pour la défense?;
    to carry a weapon for defence porter une arme pour se défendre;
    to come to sb's defence venir à la défense de qn;
    he killed the man in defence of his wife il a tué l'homme pour défendre sa femme;
    to act/to speak in defence of sth (following attack) agir/parler en défense de qch; (in support of) agir/parler en faveur de qch;
    to speak in defence of sb, to speak in sb's defence (following attack) parler en défense de qn; (in support of) parler en faveur de qn;
    the best form of defence is attack la meilleure forme de défense, c'est l'attaque
    (b) (thing providing protection) protection f, défense f; (argument) défense f;
    defences (weapons) moyens mpl de défense; (fortifications) défenses fpl, fortifications fpl;
    Holland's defences against the flood waters les défenses fpl dont dispose la Hollande contre les inondations;
    to use sth as a defence against sth se servir de qch comme défense ou protection contre qch, se servir de qch pour se défendre ou se protéger de qch;
    the body's natural defences against infection les défenses naturelles de l'organisme contre l'infection;
    to put up a stubborn defence se défendre avec entêtement;
    to catch sb when his/her defences are down prendre qn quand il/elle n'est pas en position de se défendre ou de faire face;
    to draw up a defence of sth préparer la défense de qch
    (c) Law défense f;
    the defence (lawyers) la défense;
    who have we got for the defence? qui assurera la défense?;
    counsel for the defence avocat m de la défense;
    witness for the defence témoin m à décharge, témoin de la défense;
    to appear for the defence comparaître pour la défense;
    the case for the defence la défense;
    what is our defence going to be? quelle ligne de défense allons-nous adopter?;
    to conduct one's own defence assurer sa propre défense;
    do you have anything to say in your defence? avez-vous quelque chose à dire pour votre défense?;
    it must be said in her defence that… il faut dire à sa décharge ou pour sa défense que…
    (d) Sport défense f;
    the defence (players) la défense;
    to turn defence into attack faire ou lancer une contre-attaque
    (a) (forces) de défense; (cuts, minister, spending) de la défense
    (b) Law (lawyer) de la défense
    ►► Law defence counsel défenseur m; (in civil law) avocat(e) m,f de la défense;
    Medicine defence mechanism défenses fpl immunitaires; Psychology mécanisme m de défense;
    defence plant usine f d'armements;
    Law defence witness témoin m à décharge

    Un panorama unique de l'anglais et du français > defence

  • 2 arm

    ̈ɪɑ:m I
    1. сущ.
    1) рука( от кисти до плеча, в мед. терминах плечо с предплечьем) ср. forearm fling one's arms around put one's arms around throw one's arms around carry smth. under one's arm greet smb. with open arms greet smb. with outstretched arms walk arm in arm with offer an arm to smb. to give an arm to smb. hold in one's arms under one's arms under the arm with open arms child in arms baby in arms infant in arms take smb. by the arm his arms! at arm's end at arm's length to work at arm's length make a long arm as long as one's arm arm-cylinder arm-guard - arm-twisting
    2) о конечностях животных a) передняя лапа животного, которое может вставать на задние лапы и тем самым временно становиться "прямоходящим" - о медведях, обезьянах;
    переносно о любых млекопитающих б) часть лапы ястреба от бедра до ступни в) перен. о "трогательных" органах беспозвоночных вроде осьминогов, морских звезд и т.д.
    3) узкий морской залив (обыкновенно в сочетании arm of the sea) ;
    рукав( реки)
    4) склон горы, боковой кряж, боковой хребет
    5) рукав (платья)
    6) ручка, подлокотник( кресла)
    7) главная ветвьтех ветвях, на которые непосредственно разделяется ствол)
    8) власть, сила the arm of the law secular arm the long arm of the law right arm
    9) тех. плечо рычага;
    ручка, рукоятка;
    спица колеса;
    стрела крана arms of a balance power arm weight arm
    10) мор. о тонких частях, располагающихся симметрично относительно несущей а) лапа якоря б) половинки реи (несущей прямой парус) по обе стороны от мачты
    2. гл.
    1) уст. брать в руки
    2) подавать руку, вести под руку Assiduously arming along the crowded street this shambling half-blind old woman. ≈ Прилежно ведя эту полуслепую старуху под руку сквозь запруженные толпой улицы.
    3) обнимать (как одной, так и двумя руками) II
    1. сущ.
    1) обыкн. мн. оружие By arms, we understand those instruments of offence generally made use of in war;
    such as firearms, swords, etc. By weapons, we more particularly mean instruments of other kinds (exclusive of fire-arms), made use of as offensive on special occasions. ≈ Под оружием мы понимаем предметы, используемые для нанесения вреда во время войны: пистолеты, мечи и т.д. Под оружиями же мы понимаем предметы другого типа, используемые для нанесения вреда в других случаях (исключая здесь огнестрельное оружие) (Словарь синонимов английского языка 1794 года издания). (This sword was) an extraordinarily well-balanced arm, and highly effective. ≈ (Этот меч был) удивительно хорошо уравновешенное оружие, и удивительно эффективное. small arms arm steel arms arm iron arms fire arms arms cut be at arms to be in arms to be under arms in arms under arms stand of arms lay down arms turn one's arms against smb. take up arms arms race an assault of at arms Arms! to arms! shoulder arms order arms man-in-arms Syn: weapon
    2) род войск;
    тж. перен. подразделение любой организации (не обязательно военной) They numbered about 12,000 of all arms. ≈ Армия, если считать по всем родам войск, насчитывала 12 тысяч человек. the fourth arm
    3) мн. война
    4) мн. герб( изначально изображение на щите или знамени военачальника, созданное для того, чтобы его люди могли отличить его в битве и могли, если нужно, сгруппироваться вокруг него;
    затем стал символом родов или стран) in arms with smb. College of Arms king at arms
    5) юр. орудие
    6) доспехи( изначально arms означало любое приспособление, используемое на войне, как для нападения, так и для защиты;
    однако, в современном языке значение "доспехи" - поэтизм)
    2. гл.
    1) вооружать(ся) (with) to be armed with machine-guns (knives, bows and arrows, etc.) ≈ быть вооруженными пулеметами (ножами, луками и стрелами и т. п.) The army was well armed. ≈ Армия была хорошо вооружена. to be armed to the teeth ≈ быть вооруженным до зубов We must arm ourselves against the enemy. ≈ Мы должны вооружиться на случай вторжения противника.
    2) вооружаться, запасать(ся) ;
    обладать( with) You must be armed with answers to any question. ≈ У вас должны быть ответы на любой вопрос. The two opponents are arming for the fight. ≈ Два соперника запасаются доводами для дискуссии. arm against arm oneself with patience be armed with tools be armed with Syn: possess, have
    3) заряжать, взводить (курок)
    4) бронировать;
    усиливать, армировать( какую-л. поверхность или конструкцию дополнительными накладками)
    5) кул. уст. фаршировать;
    добавлять приправы или соус
    рука (от плеча до кисти) - * sling перевязь для (сломанной) руки - at *'s length на расстоянии вытянутой руки - to run into smb.'s *s броситься в объятия - under one's * под мышкой передняя лапа животного могущество, власть, сила - secular * светская власть - the long * of the law всемогущество закона;
    сильные правоохранительные органы административное подразделение;
    отдел, управление - the research * of a company научно-исследовательское бюро корпорации - the administrative * of a school административный отдел учебного заведения;
    учебная часть, ректорат узкий морской залив рукав реки (большая) ветвь дерева рукав (платья) ручка, подлокотник (кресла) (спортивное) бросок;
    сила броска, удара сторона угла одна из равных сторон равнобедренного треугольника (техническое) плечо (рычага) (техническое) кронштейн, консоль( техническое) ручка, рукоятка (техническое) валек( весла) (техническое) спица (колеса) (техническое) стрела (крана) (техническое) рог (якоря) (техническое) ножка( циркуля) (техническое) крыло( семафора) загребающая лапа, скребок (электротехника) подвижной контакт, ползун > infant in *s грудной ребенок > at *'s length на почтительном расстоянии > to rescue smb. from the *s of death вырвать из когтей смерти > to receive smb. with open *s принять с распростертыми объятиями > on the * (американизм) (сленг) в кредит;
    бесплатно > to put the * on smb. (сленг) требовать денег у кого-либо;
    заставить заплатить (долг) > stretch your * no further than your sleeve will reach (пословица) по одежке протягивай ножки (редкое) вести под руку (редкое) обхватить рукой обыкн pl оружие - offensive *s наступательные вооружения, наступательное оружие - *s race гонка вооружений - *s control контроль на вооружениями;
    ограничение вооружений - stand of *s полное вооружение солдата - *s of precision оружие точного боя - up in * готовый к борьбе;
    в полной боевой готовности;
    охваченный восстанием - under *s под ружьем - to be under *s находиться на военной службе - to *s! к оружию! - to carry *s носить оружие - to bear *s служить в армии - to bear *s, to rise in *s взяться за оружие, востать с оружием в руках (против) - to throw down one's *s бросать оружие, сдаваться - to present *s (военное) брать на караул (юридическое) предмет, используемый в качестве оружия - an axe or a stick might be *s for defence of attack топор или дубинка могут быть орудием самозащиты или нападения доспехи род войск - the air * военно-воздушные силы - all *s of the fighting forces все рода войск вооруженных сил военные действия, война - success in *s успех в военных действиях герб - to bear *s иметь герб вооружать - the warship was *ed with nuclear weapons военный корабль был оснащен ядерным оружием вооружаться - he *ed himself with a big stick он вооружился большой палкой запастись;
    вооружиться - the students came *ed with pencils and notebooks пришли студенты, запасшиеся карандашами и блокнотами - to be *ed with facts and figures взять на вооружение факты и цифры - to * oneself with patiencе вооружиться терпением - *ed by an inveterate optimism вооруженный неистощимым оптимизмом (военное) взводить (курок)
    arm (большая) ветвь ~ военная профессия ~ pl война ~ вооружать(ся) (тж. перен.) ;
    to be armed with information располагать исчерпывающей информацией ~ pl герб (обыкн. coat of arms) ~ заряжать, взводить ~ (обыкн. pl) оружие;
    small arms стрелковое оружие;
    in arms вооруженный ~ передняя лапа (животного) ~ тех. плечо (рычага) ;
    ручка, рукоятка;
    спица (колеса) ;
    стрела (крана) ;
    arms of a balance коромысло весов ~ род войск ~ рука (от кисти до плеча) ;
    to fold in one's arms заключить в объятия;
    under one's arms под мышкой;
    with open arms с распростертыми объятиями;
    a child in arms младенец ~ рукав;
    arm of a river рукав реки ~ ручка, подлокотник (кресла) ~ сила, власть;
    the arm of the law сила закона up: ~ in готовый;
    up in arms см. arm
    ~ рукав;
    arm of a river рукав реки
    ~ сила, власть;
    the arm of the law сила закона
    to take up arms, to appeal to ~s взяться за оружие;
    to lay down arms сложить оружие;
    to arms! к оружию!;
    under arms вооруженный, под ружьем arms: arms вооружения ~ оружие
    arms race гонка вооружений;
    arms cut сокращение вооружений
    ~ тех. плечо (рычага) ;
    ручка, рукоятка;
    спица (колеса) ;
    стрела (крана) ;
    arms of a balance коромысло весов
    arms race гонка вооружений;
    arms cut сокращение вооружений
    ~ вооружать(ся) (тж. перен.) ;
    to be armed with information располагать исчерпывающей информацией
    up in ~s охваченный восстанием;
    to be up in arms (against smb.) нападать, жаловаться( на кого-л.)
    ~ рука (от кисти до плеча) ;
    to fold in one's arms заключить в объятия;
    under one's arms под мышкой;
    with open arms с распростертыми объятиями;
    a child in arms младенец
    ~ рука (от кисти до плеча) ;
    to fold in one's arms заключить в объятия;
    under one's arms под мышкой;
    with open arms с распростертыми объятиями;
    a child in arms младенец
    ~ (обыкн. pl) оружие;
    small arms стрелковое оружие;
    in arms вооруженный
    to take up arms, to appeal to ~s взяться за оружие;
    to lay down arms сложить оружие;
    to arms! к оружию!;
    under arms вооруженный, под ружьем
    ~ (обыкн. pl) оружие;
    small arms стрелковое оружие;
    in arms вооруженный arms: small ~ pl стрелковое оружие
    take (smb.) by the ~ брать (кого-л.) под руку
    to take up arms, to appeal to ~s взяться за оружие;
    to lay down arms сложить оружие;
    to arms! к оружию!;
    under arms вооруженный, под ружьем
    to take up arms, to appeal to ~s взяться за оружие;
    to lay down arms сложить оружие;
    to arms! к оружию!;
    under arms вооруженный, под ружьем under: ~ prep указывает на условия, обстоятельства, при которых совершается действие при, под, на;
    under fire под огнем;
    under arms вооруженный
    ~ рука (от кисти до плеча) ;
    to fold in one's arms заключить в объятия;
    under one's arms под мышкой;
    with open arms с распростертыми объятиями;
    a child in arms младенец
    up in ~s готовый к борьбе, сопротивлению up in ~s охваченный восстанием;
    to be up in arms (against smb.) нападать, жаловаться (на кого-л.) up: ~ in готовый;
    up in arms см. arm
    ~ рука (от кисти до плеча) ;
    to fold in one's arms заключить в объятия;
    under one's arms под мышкой;
    with open arms с распростертыми объятиями;
    a child in arms младенец

    Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь > arm

  • 3 ataque

    1 attack (acometida).
    ¡al ataque! charge!
    ataque aéreo air raid
    ataque preventivo pre-emptive strike
    2 attack (sport).
    3 attack.
    lanzó duros ataques contra el presidente she launched several harsh attacks on the president
    4 fit (acceso).
    le dio un ataque de risa he had a fit of the giggles
    ataque cardíaco o al corazón heart attack
    ataque epiléptico epileptic fit
    ataque de nervios attack of nerves
    ataque de pánico panic attack
    5 stroke.
    6 sudden start, pounce.
    7 bout, sudden spell of sickness, crisis.
    8 breakdown.
    1st person singular (yo) Present Subjunctive of Spanish verb: atacar.
    * * *
    1 attack
    2 MEDICINA fit
    ataque aéreo air raid
    ataque de nervios nervous breakdown
    * * *
    noun m.
    - ataque de nervios
    * * *
    1) (Mil) attack

    un ataque a o contra algo/algn — an attack on sth/sb

    ¡al ataque! — charge!

    ataque aéreo — air raid, air strike

    ataque a superficie — ground attack, ground strike

    2) (Med) attack

    ataque al corazón, ataque cardíaco — heart attack

    ataque cerebralbrain haemorrhage o (EEUU) hemorrhage

    3) (=arranque) fit

    me entró o dio un ataque de risa — I got a fit of the giggles

    cuando se entere le da un ataque* she'll have a fit when she finds out *

    4) (=crítica) attack

    ataque a o contra algo/algn — attack on sth/sb

    un duro ataque a o contra la ley electoral — a fierce attack on the electoral law

    5) (Dep) attack
    * * *
    a) (Dep, Mil) attack
    b) ( verbal) attack

    lanzó un duro ataque contra el gobiernohe launched a sharp o fierce attack on the government

    2) ( acceso) fit

    un ataque de celos/ira — a fit of jealousy/rage

    * * *
    = attack, craze, outbreak, onslaught, gust, assault, bashing, burst, fulmination, swipe.
    Ex. The incentive to make library services more relevant to the community became increasingly urgent from the mid-seventies as the attacks on local government finance gathered momentum.
    Ex. The interest is not really in the craze itself but in the intense, socially binding effect it has on the individuals in the group.
    Ex. This article describes how a sporadic outbreak of mould in this section of the collection was treated with a special cleaning machine.
    Ex. Without language we would go bumping around in the dark and eventually take leave of our senses under the welter of the incomprehensible, withdrawing, as some people do, into a closed world in order to protect ourselves against the unbearable onslaught.
    Ex. His sudden gust of audacity was quickly extinguished by her words and by her glance.
    Ex. Crimes against the person include homicide, rape, assault and robbery.
    Ex. The persistent 'U.S. bashing' that goes on here is, however, imprecise and tiresome after a while.
    Ex. Fueled by inspiration, coffee and Benzedrine, Kerouac sat down at his typewriter and -- in one burst of creative energy -- wrote the novel that would make him the voice of his generation in just 20 days.
    Ex. Cobbe was the primary target of John Ruskin's well-known fulmination against women who meddle with theology in his book 'Sesame and Lilies'.
    Ex. In fact it is an exaltation of the Kyoto protocol and a thinly disguised swipe at those countries who have not signed up.
    * ataque aéreo = raid, air raid, air strike, blitz.
    * ataque al corazón = heart attack.
    * ataque brutal = vicious attack, brutal attack.
    * ataque con mortero = mortar fire.
    * ataque contra la seguridad = security attack.
    * ataque de ansiedad = panic attack, anxiety attack.
    * ataque de asma = asthma attack.
    * ataque de cólera = fit of rage, fit of anger.
    * ataque de desarticulación = spoiling attack.
    * ataque de + Enfermedad = bout of + Enfermedad.
    * ataque de furia = fit of rage, fit of anger.
    * ataque de histeria = attack of hysterics.
    * ataque de nervios = nervous breakdown, attack of hysterics.
    * ataque de + Nombre = fit of + Nombre.
    * ataque de pánico = panic attack.
    * ataque de risa = fit of laughter.
    * ataque de tos = coughing fit.
    * ataque epiléptico = stroke, epileptic seizure, epileptic fit.
    * ataque epilético = seizure.
    * ataque matutino = dawn raid.
    * ataque nuclear = nuclear attack.
    * ataque por sorpresa = surprise attack.
    * ataque preventivo = preemptive strike.
    * ataque relámpago = hit-and-run attack.
    * ataques = slings and arrows.
    * ataques de = fevers of, fevers of.
    * ataques de cólera = flaming.
    * ataque siquiátrico = psychiatric episode.
    * ataque sorpresa = surprise attack, sneak attack.
    * ataque terrorista = terror attack.
    * ataque violento = paroxysm.
    * ataque virulento = blistering attack.
    * ciberataque = cyberattack.
    * dar un ataque de nervios = have + an attack of hysterics.
    * defenderse de ataques = ward off + attacks.
    * el ataque es la mejor defensa = attack is the best form of defence.
    * liderar el ataque = lead + the charge.
    * preparar un ataque = mount + attack.
    * provocar un ataque = provoke + attack.
    * sobrevivir un ataque = survive + attack.
    * soportar un ataque = suffer + attack.
    * sufrir un ataque = be under attack, be under assault.
    * un ataque de = an access of, a shock of.
    * * *
    a) (Dep, Mil) attack
    b) ( verbal) attack

    lanzó un duro ataque contra el gobiernohe launched a sharp o fierce attack on the government

    2) ( acceso) fit

    un ataque de celos/ira — a fit of jealousy/rage

    * * *
    = attack, craze, outbreak, onslaught, gust, assault, bashing, burst, fulmination, swipe.

    Ex: The incentive to make library services more relevant to the community became increasingly urgent from the mid-seventies as the attacks on local government finance gathered momentum.

    Ex: The interest is not really in the craze itself but in the intense, socially binding effect it has on the individuals in the group.
    Ex: This article describes how a sporadic outbreak of mould in this section of the collection was treated with a special cleaning machine.
    Ex: Without language we would go bumping around in the dark and eventually take leave of our senses under the welter of the incomprehensible, withdrawing, as some people do, into a closed world in order to protect ourselves against the unbearable onslaught.
    Ex: His sudden gust of audacity was quickly extinguished by her words and by her glance.
    Ex: Crimes against the person include homicide, rape, assault and robbery.
    Ex: The persistent 'U.S. bashing' that goes on here is, however, imprecise and tiresome after a while.
    Ex: Fueled by inspiration, coffee and Benzedrine, Kerouac sat down at his typewriter and -- in one burst of creative energy -- wrote the novel that would make him the voice of his generation in just 20 days.
    Ex: Cobbe was the primary target of John Ruskin's well-known fulmination against women who meddle with theology in his book 'Sesame and Lilies'.
    Ex: In fact it is an exaltation of the Kyoto protocol and a thinly disguised swipe at those countries who have not signed up.
    * ataque aéreo = raid, air raid, air strike, blitz.
    * ataque al corazón = heart attack.
    * ataque brutal = vicious attack, brutal attack.
    * ataque con mortero = mortar fire.
    * ataque contra la seguridad = security attack.
    * ataque de ansiedad = panic attack, anxiety attack.
    * ataque de asma = asthma attack.
    * ataque de cólera = fit of rage, fit of anger.
    * ataque de desarticulación = spoiling attack.
    * ataque de + Enfermedad = bout of + Enfermedad.
    * ataque de furia = fit of rage, fit of anger.
    * ataque de histeria = attack of hysterics.
    * ataque de nervios = nervous breakdown, attack of hysterics.
    * ataque de + Nombre = fit of + Nombre.
    * ataque de pánico = panic attack.
    * ataque de risa = fit of laughter.
    * ataque de tos = coughing fit.
    * ataque epiléptico = stroke, epileptic seizure, epileptic fit.
    * ataque epilético = seizure.
    * ataque matutino = dawn raid.
    * ataque nuclear = nuclear attack.
    * ataque por sorpresa = surprise attack.
    * ataque preventivo = preemptive strike.
    * ataque relámpago = hit-and-run attack.
    * ataques = slings and arrows.
    * ataques de = fevers of, fevers of.
    * ataques de cólera = flaming.
    * ataque siquiátrico = psychiatric episode.
    * ataque sorpresa = surprise attack, sneak attack.
    * ataque terrorista = terror attack.
    * ataque violento = paroxysm.
    * ataque virulento = blistering attack.
    * ciberataque = cyberattack.
    * dar un ataque de nervios = have + an attack of hysterics.
    * defenderse de ataques = ward off + attacks.
    * el ataque es la mejor defensa = attack is the best form of defence.
    * liderar el ataque = lead + the charge.
    * preparar un ataque = mount + attack.
    * provocar un ataque = provoke + attack.
    * sobrevivir un ataque = survive + attack.
    * soportar un ataque = suffer + attack.
    * sufrir un ataque = be under attack, be under assault.
    * un ataque de = an access of, a shock of.

    * * *
    1 ( Dep, Mil) attack
    ataque aéreo air raid
    ataque por sorpresa surprise attack
    ataque en tres frentes three-pronged attack
    2 (verbal) attack
    la oposición lanzó un duro ataque contra el gobierno the opposition launched a sharp o fierce o harsh attack on the government
    interpretó mis críticas como un ataque personal she took my criticisms personally o as a personal attack
    B (acceso) fit
    un ataque de celos/ira a fit of jealousy/rage
    si la ves te va a dar un ataque de risa you'll die laughing if you see her ( colloq)
    le dio un ataque de llanto he burst into tears
    le va a dar un ataque cuando vea esto ( fam); he's going to have a fit when he sees this ( colloq)
    me dio un ataque de rabia al ver tanta injusticia it made me furious o I was enraged to see so much injustice
    ataque cardíaco or al corazón
    heart attack
    anxiety attack
    si ese ruido continúa me va a dar un ataque de nervios if that noise carries on I'm going to have a fit
    me da un ataque de nervios cada vez que tengo que hablar en público each time I have to speak in public, I get into a panic
    panic attack
    * * *

    Del verbo atacar: ( conjugate atacar)

    ataqué es:

    1ª persona singular (yo) pretérito indicativo

    ataque es:

    1ª persona singular (yo) presente subjuntivo

    3ª persona singular (él/ella/usted) presente subjuntivo

    3ª persona singular (él/ella/usted) imperativo

    Multiple Entries:
    atacar ( conjugate atacar) verbo transitivo
    to attack
    ataque sustantivo masculino
    a) (Dep, Mil) attack;

    2 (Med) attack;

    ataque al corazón heart attack;
    ataque epiléptico epileptic fit;
    me dio un ataque de nervios I got into a panic;
    un ataque de risa a fit of hysterics
    atacar verbo transitivo to attack, assault
    ♦ Locuciones: familiar atacar los nervios, to lose one's cool
    ataque sustantivo masculino
    1 attack, assault
    ataque aéreo, air raid
    2 Med fit
    ataque al corazón, heart attack
    ataque de nervios/risa, fit of hysterics/laughter
    ' ataque' also found in these entries:
    - acometida
    - borde
    - cardiaca
    - cardíaca
    - cardiaco
    - cardíaco
    - crisis
    - dar
    - entrar
    - golpe
    - histeria
    - inicial
    - lanzarse
    - nervio
    - novilunio
    - patatús
    - repeler
    - resistir
    - simular
    - arrollador
    - asalto
    - atentado
    - crítica
    - demoledor
    - despiadado
    - emprender
    - enérgico
    - feroz
    - frontal
    - lanzar
    - rechazar
    - refugiar
    - refugio
    - renovar
    - salvaje
    - simulacro
    - soponcio
    - sorpresa
    - aim
    - air raid
    - appendicitis
    - assault
    - attack
    - barrage
    - blitz
    - bomb
    - bout
    - charge
    - crack up
    - destroy
    - DT
    - DTs
    - fend off
    - fierce
    - fit
    - full-scale
    - go
    - hysterics
    - jealousy
    - laughter
    - lay
    - lightning
    - on
    - onslaught
    - outburst
    - repel
    - savage
    - seizure
    - send
    - spearhead
    - stave off
    - stem
    - strike
    - throw
    - turn
    - unprovoked
    - verge
    - ward off
    - air
    - amok
    - bilious
    - crack
    - drive
    - have
    - heart
    - involvement
    - offense
    * * *
    1. [acometida] attack;
    ¡al ataque! charge!
    ataque aéreo [sobre ciudad] air raid; [sobre tropas] air attack; Bolsa ataque especulativo dawn raid;
    ataque preventivo pre-emptive strike
    2. Dep attack;
    una jugada de ataque an attack, an attacking move
    3. [crítica] attack;
    lanzó duros ataques contra el presidente she launched several harsh attacks on the president
    4. [acceso] fit;
    en un ataque de celos la mató he killed her in a fit of jealousy;
    como no se calle me va a dar un ataque if he doesn't shut up I'm going to have a fit
    ataque cardíaco heart attack;
    ataque al corazón heart attack;
    ataque epiléptico epileptic fit;
    ataque de nervios attack of hysteria;
    ataque de pánico panic attack;
    ataque de risa: [m5] le dio un ataque de risa he had a fit of the giggles
    5. [de sustancia] corrosive effect
    * * *
    1 ( agresión), DEP attack
    2 ( acceso) fit;
    le dio un ataque de risa she burst out laughing
    * * *
    ataque nm
    1) : attack, assault
    2) : fit
    ataque de risa: fit of laughter
    ataque de nervios : nervous breakdown
    ataque al corazón : heart attack
    * * *
    2. (de tos, risa, etc) fit

    Spanish-English dictionary > ataque

  • 4 LEGGJA

    * * *
    (legg, lagða, lagiðr, lagðr, laginn), v.
    1) to lay, place (Már hafði lagt höfuð sitt í kné Rannveigar);
    leggja net, to lay a net;
    2) to put;
    leggja eld í, to put fire to;
    leggja söðul á hest, to put a saddle on a horse;
    leggja árar upp, to lay up the oars, give up pulling;
    leggja ofan segi, to haul down, take in the sails;
    leggja at jörðu, at velli (or við jörðu, við velli), to overthrow, slay, kill;
    leggja hlut sinn, to lose one’s lot, be worsted;
    3) to lay, drop, of a beast (hvelparnir, er eigi vóru lagðir);
    4) to lay, make, build;
    leggja garða, to make fences;
    5) to appoint, fix (leggja stefnu, leika, bardaga);
    6) to tax, value (hann lagði hálft landit fyrir sex tigi silfrs);
    leggja e-n úgildan, to award no fine for, put no price on;
    leggja at léttu, to make light of;
    leggja sakar, to settle strife;
    leggja lög, to lay down laws;
    leggja leið sína, to take a direction;
    hann lagði mjök kvámur sínar í Ögr, he was in the habit of coming often to O.;
    8) to allot, assign (þér mun lagit verða at vera einvaldskonungr yfir Noregi);
    hvat mun til líkna lagt Sigurði, what comfort is there appointed for S.?;
    þér var lengra líf lagit, a longer life was destined for thee;
    9) to lay out, pay, discharge;
    leggja at veði, to give as bail;
    leggja á hættu, to risk;
    leggja á mikinn kostnað, to run into great expenses;
    leggja líf á, to stake one’s life on a thing;
    leggja fé til höfuðs e-m, to set a price on one’s head;
    10) to lay a ship’s course, stand of or on, sail, absol., or the ship in dat. or acc., lét hann blása herblástr ok leggja út ór höfninni, and sailed out of the harbour;
    leggja at, to land (lagði hann at við Sundólfsstaði);
    in a naval battle, to attack (lögðu þeir þá at þeim);
    leggja undir land, to stand in towards land;
    leggja (skip) í rétt, to drift or run before the wind;
    11) to set off, start;
    leggja á flótta, to take toftight;
    leggja eptir e-m, to pursue;
    12) to stab, thrust, with a weapon (Þ. leggr hann spjóti til bana);
    13) impers. it turns, is driven in a direction (of smoke, smell, fire);
    hingat leggr allan reykinn, all the smoke blows hitherward;
    to freeze over, be covered with snow or ice (þá er ísa lagði á vötn);
    leggja nær, to be on the brink of;
    nær lagði þat úfœru einu sinni, it had well nigh come to a disaster;
    14) with preps.:
    leggja e-t af, to cede, give up (H. bróðir hans lagði af við hann sinn part í eyjunni);
    to leave off, desist from (legg af héðan af versagørð, sagði erkibiskup);
    leggja af fénað, to slaughter cattle;
    leggja e-t aptr, to give back, return (báðu mik leggja aptr taflit);
    leggja at, leggja at landi, to land;
    leggja at e-m, to attack;
    leggja e-t á e-n, to impose, lay (a burden, tax) upon one (leggja skatt, skyldir, yfirbót á e-n);
    leggja e-t á við e-n = leggja e-t á e-n;
    leggja stund, kapp, hug á e-t, to take pains about, great interest in, a thing;
    leggja ást, elsku, mætur á e-t, to feel love, affection, interest for a thing, to cherish a thing or person;
    leggja fæð, öfund, hatr á, to take dislike, envy, hatred to;
    leggja móti e-m, to oppose, contradict one;
    leggja e-t til, to furnish, contribute, as one’s share (hvern styrk hefir móðir mín til lagit með þér?);
    leggja fátt til, to say little, be reserved;
    leggja lof til, to give praise to;
    leggja gott (illt) til e-s, to lay a good (or ill) word to one, to interfere in a friendly (or unfriendly) manner;
    leggja e-t til lofs e-m, to put a thing to a person’s credit;
    leggja e-t til orðs, to talk about;
    leggja e-m e-t til ámælis, orðs, to blame one for a thing;
    leggja e-t undir or undir sik, to conquer, vanquish (Knútr konungr lagði allt land undir sik íNoregi);
    leggja e-t undir e-n, to submit a matter to a person, refer to (þeir höfðu lagit mál undir Njál);
    leggja undir trúnað e-s, to trust;
    ok er þat mjök undir hann lagit, it depends much on him;
    leggja e-t undir þegnskap sinn, to assert on one’s honour;
    leggja e-t upp við e-n, to hand over to one;
    leggja e-t eigi langt upp, not to make much of, to make light of (eigi legg ek slíkt langt upp);
    leggja e-t við e-t, to add to (leggja aðra tölu við aðra);
    leggja við líf sitt, höfuð sitt, to stake one’s life;
    leggja við sekt, to fix a fine;
    15) refl., leggjast.
    * * *
    a causal of liggja, q. v.; pres. legg, pl. leggjum; pret. lagði; subj. legði; imperat. legg or leggðú; part. lagiðr, lagið, lagit; contr. lagðr, lögð, lagt; part. laginn, Fb. ii. 386, which form is in mod. Icel. used as an adjective only; a part. pass. lagztr, lögzt, lagzt, Fas. ii. 345, and in mod. usage: [Ulf. lagjan = τιθέναι; A. S. lecgan; Engl. lay; O. H. G. legjan; Germ. legen; Swed. lägga; Dan. lægge]:—to lay.
    A. Prop. to lay, place; ok lagði hann á altara, Ver. 14; er hann var lagiðr á bálit, Hkr. i. 32; á lúðr lagiðr, Vþm.; vóru steinar lagðir í hring utan um, Eg. 486; Már lá útar á bekk, ok hafði lagt höfuð sitt í kné Rannveigar, Sturl. i. 13; leggja net, to lay a net, K. Þ. K. 88:—to lay down, leggja sinn aldr, Ht.
    2. to put; leggja band um, umhverfis, to fasten a string round the body, Eg. 340; leggja saman augun, to put the eyes together, shut them, id.; leggja eld í, to put fire to, Nj. 74, 131; leggja hendr at síðum mér, Fms. x. 331; leggja stýri í lag, to put it right, Hkr. i. 32; leggja ofan segl ok viðu, to haul down, take in the sails, Fms. iv. 372, ix. 23; l. lénur, söðul, á hest, to put a saddle on a horse, Nj. 74, Landn. 151; l. á hest, or leggja á (simply), to saddle; leggja hapt á hest, Grág. i. 436; l. mark á, of sheep, 426; l. hús ofan, to pull it down, Bs. i. 163; l. klyfjar ofan, to unload a horse, K. Þ. K. 94; l. klyfjar upp, to pack a horse, N. G. L. i. 349; l. árar upp, to lay up the oars, give up pulling, Edda 36: the mod. phrase, leggja árar í bát, to give a thing up, lose heart; l. fyrir lið, to give up, see lið; fyrir lagðr, outworn, exhausted, Mar. 1060, Fas. ii. 278.
    3. leggja at jörðu, at velli (or við jörðu, við velli), to overthrow, make bite the dust, Nj. 117, Eg. 426, Fms. vii. 296, viii. 43, x. 257, Njarð. 378; leggja fyrir borð, to put overboard, metaph. to forsake, Clem. 47; leggja í leg, to lay waste, Grág. ii. 278; leggja hlut sinn, to lay down or lose one’s lot, be worsted, Sturl. iii. 103: leggja mál í görð, to put into court, Nj. 88, 101; l. mál í umræðu, to put it to discussion, Orkn. 426; l. mál til sætta, Nj. 111.
    4. to lay, drop, of a beast; hvelparnir er eigi vóru lagðir, Fb. i. 104.
    II. metaph. in a mental sense; leggja stund, starf, hug, kapp … á e-t, to study a thing, take pains about, interest in it; as also, leggja ást, elsku, mætr á e-t, to feel love, affection, interest for, to love, cherish a thing or person; and again, leggja fæð, öfund, hatr … á, to take dislike, envy to, Al. 95, Ísl. ii. 197, Nj. 31, 46, Eg. 42, 418, Ld. 60, Fb. ii. 229, Fms. i. 31: freq. in old and mod. usage, thus, Sturla lagði mikinn hug á, at láta rita sögu-bækr eptir bókuni þeim er Snorri setti saman, Sturl. ii. 123; leggja e-t e-m til orðs, ámælis, to put a thing to a person’s blame, blame him for it, Nj. 62, 85, 138, 246, Ld. 250; l. e-t til lofs e-m, to laud one, put a thing to a person’s credit, Fms. x. 98.
    2. with prepp.; leggja á, to impose, put upon; leggja skyldir, skatt … á, Fms. x. 51, 93, Rb. 394:—leggja af, to leave off, cease doing; legg af héðan af versa-görð, sagði erkibiskup, ok stúdera heldr í kirkjunnar lögum, Bs. i. 799:—leggja e-t fyrir sik, to set a task before one, Fms. ii. 103, xi. 157:—leggja til, to add to, xi. 51, Hom. 138:—leggja undir or undir sik, to lay under oneself, conquer, vanquish, Fms. i. 3, x. 35, Eg. 12, Stj. 46, 146; leggja e-t undir þegnskap sinn, to assert on one’s honour, Grág. i. 29, Nj. 150; leggja e-t undir e-n, to submit it to a person, refer to, 105; l. e-t undir trúnað e-s, to trust, Fms. ix. 397; ok er þat mjök undir hann lagit, it depends much on him, Bjarn. 52:—leggja út, mod. to translate (út-legging):—leggja við, to add to, Grág. i. 22, Hom. 138, 155. Rb. 88, Al. 358.
    III. to lay, place, found, build; leggja afla, Vsp. 7; leggja garða, to make fences, Rm. 12; leggja götur, to make roads, Dipl. iv. 12; leggja lúðra, to place right, adjust the bin, Gs. 3; leggja leið, to take a direction, Fas. i. 57; hann lagði mjök kvámur sínar í Ögr, he was in the habit of coming to O., Fbr. 30; leggja e-t í vana sinn, to make a habit of.
    2. metaph. to lay, settle; leggja sakar, to settle strife, Vsp. 64; leggja landrétt, to settle the public rights, make laws, Sighvat; leggja lög, to lay down laws, of the three weird sisters ordering the fate of men, Vsp.:—to lay down, ordain, lagt er allt fyrir, all is predestined, Skv. I, Skm. 13, Ls. 48; era með löstum lögð æfi þér, Skv. 1, 33; hvat mun til líkna lagt Sigurði, 30; leggja á, to ordain, en þú hugfest þá hluti er ek segi þér, ok legg á þik, Bs. i. 199; ef þeir eru á lagðir ( ordered) fyrir váttum, Gþl. 439; þá hluti er ek hefi á lagt við þik, Eg. 738; leggja lög á, to make, lay down a law, Bs. i. 28: leggja ríkt á, to order peremptorily: of a spell, leggja á, to enchant; ‘mæli eg um og legg eg á!’ is in the tales the formula with which witches say the spell.
    3. to appoint, fix, a meeting or the like; eru þá leikar lagðir í Ásbjarnar-nesi, Ld. 196; leikr var lagiðr á Hvítár-völlum, Eg. 188; þeir lögðu við landsmenn hálfs-mánaðar frið, 228; leggja stefnu með sér, Fms. i. 36; var lögð konunga-stefna í Elfi, vii. 62; leggja bardaga við e-n, xi. 418; l. með sér vináttu, Eg. 278; Augustus keisari lagði frið ( established peace) um allan heim, Edda.
    IV. to tax, value (fjár-lag); hross eru ok lögð, hestr fjögurra vetra gamall við kú, Grág. i. 503; leggja lag á mjöl, ii. 404; ef fyrr er keypt en lag er á lagt, id.; leggja lag á varning manna, Ísl. ii. 126; þat þykkir mér jafnligast at þú leggir land svá dýrt, en ek kjósa hvárr okkarr leysa skal, … hann lagði hálft landit fyrir sex tigi silfrs, … er þú leggr svá údýrt Helgafells-land, Eb. 38; vil ek þat vinna til sætta at leggja son minn úgildan, Nj. 250; at Hallr af Síðu hafði lagit úgildan son sinn, ok vann þat til sætta, 251; leggja at léttu, to lay a tax on light, Fas. iii. 553.
    V. to lay out, pay, discharge; leggja at veði, to give as bail, Edda 17; buðu at leggja sik í veð fyrir þessa menn, Nj. 163; leggja á hættu, to risk, Eg. 86; leggja á mikinn kostnað, to run into great expences, Eg. 43; leggja veð eðr fá vörzlu, Gþl. 389: leggja í kostnað, to expend, Fms. xi. 232; leggja sik í háska, veð, to put oneself in danger, to stake one’s life, vii. 263, Nj. 163:—leggja aptr, to pay back, Grett. 174 new Ed.; leggja líf á, to stake one’s life on a thing, Nj. 106, 178:—l. fram, to lay forth, lay out, exhibit (fram-lag); allan þann sóma er hann hefir fram lagit, Ld. 32; mikit muntú þurfa fram at leggja með honum, þvíat hón á allan arf eptir mik, Nj. 3; l. fram líf sitt, Eg. 426:—leggja til, to pay to, furnish, contribute, as one’s share; hvern styrk hefir móðir mín til lagit með þér, Nj. 7; hvat viltú þá til leggja? langskip tvau, 42; skortir mik eigi fé til at leggja fyrir farit, 128; kunni hann til alls góð ráð at leggja, Eg. 2; hefi ek þar til (lagit) mörg orð, 728; lét ek þar sælu-hús göra ok lagða fé til, Fms. vii. 122, Js. 4; þau ráð er Gregoríus lagði til, Fms. vii. 258; l. fé til höfuðs e-m, to set a price on one’s head, Nj. 112, Grett. passim:—metaph., leggja fátt til, to say little, be reserved, Nj. 88, 112; Gunnarr lagði ekki til, G. remained silent, 52; leggja lof til, to give praise to, Eg. 33; leggja orð í (til), to ‘lay a word to,’ say a word in a matter, remonstrate, Grág. i. 290; leggja gott, íllt til e-s, to lay a good (or ill) word to, to interfere in a friendly (or unfriendly) manner, Sturl. iii. 151 (til-lögur):—leggja hlut sinn, líf sitt, við, to risk one’s lot, stake one’s life, i. 162, Nj. 113, 218; l. sik allan við, to do one’s best, Eg. 738; l. sekt við, l. lögbrot við, of a penalty, Nj. 113, Eg. 352, H. E. i. 505:—leggja út, to lay out, pay, Vm. 33; of betting, Orkn. 200:—leggja fé upp, to lay up, invest; l. fé upp í jörð, Dipl. v. 21; lagða ek upp við minn kæra Orm biskup hálfan viðreka, I made it over to O., ii. 4; l. upp fé, to lay up, board.
    VI. of direction, esp. as a naut. term, to stand off or on, lay a ship’s course, esp. from or towards a port, to or from an attack, to sail, proceed to sea, absol., or the ship in dat. or acc., leggja skip or skipi; þú skalt leggja fram sem þér líkar (place the ship to attack), Nj. 8; ok leggr fram skeiðina jafnfram skipi Rúts, id.; þeir leggja út undir eina ey ok bíða þar byrjar, 133; hann lagði skip sín inn á sundit, 271; þeir bjuggusk um sem skjótast ok lögðu út skipunum, Eg. 358; en er skipit var lagit út undir Fenhring, Fms. x. 64; Sigvaldi leggr skip sitt í miðja fylking ( lays his ship alongside of), xi. 126; þeir hittu drómund einn í hafi ok lögðu til níu skipum ok borðusk, … at lyktum lögðu þeir snekkjunum undir drómundinn, Hkr. iii. 353; leggja undir land, to stand in towards land, Eb. 126, where in a metaph. sense = to give in; lögðu þeir eigi inn í ósinn, en lögðu útarliga á höfnina, Ísl. ii. 126; bauð hann út leiðangri at liði ok skipum ok lagði ( stood) út til Staðs fyrir innan Þórsbjörg, Fms. i. 12; síðan leggja þeir í Löginn upp, Hkr. i. 32; Knútr konungr lagði þegar upp í ána ok at kastalanum, Fms. ix. 23, xi. 196; réru þeir langskipinu upp í ána ok lögðu til bæjar þess, Eg. 80; lögðu víkingar við þat frá, Landn. 223; þá lögðu þeir at nesi einu, Eg. 161; ok lögðu þar at landi, 203; lagði hann at ( landed) við Sundólfs-staði, Fms. ix. 483; en er þeir koma norðr at Hákonar-hellu þá lögðu þeir þar at, Hkr. i. 160: leggja at, to attack, in a naval battle (atlaga); lögðu þeir þá at þeim, Nj. 25, Eg. 81; munu vér leggja til orrostu við þá, Fms. vii. 257; létusk allir búnir at leggja at þeim Hákoni, id.; ef þeir leggja at, Jómsvíkingar, xi. 134:—leggja í rétt, to drift or run before the wind, skipverjar, þeir er sigla vildu, eðr þeir er í rétt vildu leggja skipit, Fbr. 59; mæltu þeir er leið sögðu at varligra væri at lægja seglit ok leggja skipit í rétt um nóttina, en sigla til lands at ljósum degi, Fms. ii. 64; þá kom andviðri ok leggja þeir í rétt, Bs. i. 420; þá lögðu þeir í rétt harðan, kom á stormr svá at eigi fengu þeir lengi í rétti legit, ok sigldu þeir þá við eitt rif, Bær. 5; þá kemr enn landviðri ok leggja cnn í rétt ok rekr vestr í haf, Bs. i. 483; þá lögðu þeir í rétt harðan, 484; féll veðrit ok görði lögn, lögðu þeir þá í rétt, ok létu reiða fyrir nokkurar nætr, Eg. 372.
    2. without the notion of sea, to start; leggja á flótta, to turn to flight, fly, Fms. x. 241, xi. 341, 391, Orkn. 4, Hkr. i. 319, passim; leggja ú fund þeirra, Fms. vii. 258; leggja eptir, to pursue, x. 215; leggja upp, to start on a journey: metaph., leggja e-t ekki langt upp, Grett. 51 new Ed.
    3. to stab, thrust with a weapon, the weapon in dat. or absol. (lag = a thrust), Nj. 8, 64, Njarð. 378, Eg. 216, 258, 298, Nj. 43, 56, Grág. ii. 7, Gþl. 165, passim; opp. to höggva, höggva ok leggja, hann hjó ok lagði, and the like.
    VII. impers. it turns, in driven in a direction, of smoke, smell, fire, or the like; hingat leggr allan reykinn, all the smoke blows thitherward, Nj. 202; en eldinn lagði at þeim, Fms. i. 266; fyrir údaun er ór hauginum mun út leggja, iv. 28; varask gust þann ok údaun er út lagði or haugnum, … af fýlu þeirri sem út lagði, Ísl. ii. 45; ok er eldrinn var görr, lagði reykinn upp í skarðit, Eb. 220; ef hval leggr út, if a (dead) whale is driven off land, Gþl. 462:—of ice, snow, to freeze, be covered with snow, ice, þá leggr snjó nokkurn fyrir þá, 655 xv. 12; er ís leggr á vatnit, Grág. ii. 287; þá er ísa lagði á vötn, Fms. ii. 103: the place frozen in acc., vóru íslög mikil ok hafði langt lagt lit Breiðafjörð, Ld. 286; lagði ok Ögrsvatn, Fbr. 30 new Ed.; lagði fjörðinn út langt, 60 new Ed.: part., íss var lagðr á Hofstaða-vág, Eb. 236:—of winter, cold, þegar er gott er ok vetr (acc.) leggr á, Grett. 24 new Ed.; lagði þegar á frer ok snjófa, Bs. i. 872; but pers., leggr á hríðir ok snjóvar (better snjóva), Bs. i. 198.
    2. the phrase, leggja nær, to ‘lie near,’ be on the brink of; nær lagði þat úfæru eitt sinn, it had well nigh come to a disaster, Edda 17; lagði þá svá nær at allr þingheimr mundi berjask, it was on the brink of …, Nj. 163; lagði nær at hann mundi reka í svelginn, Fms. x. 145.
    B. Reflex. to lay oneself, lie; leggjask niðr í runna nokkura, Nj. 132; er Skálm merr yður leggsk undir klyfjum, Landn. 77; þá leggjask í akrinn flugur þær, er …, 673 A. 3:—of going to bed, þeir höfðu lagizk til svefns, were gone to sleep, Nj. 155; Skarphéðinn lagðisk ekki niðr um kveldit, 170:—leggjask með konu, to cohabit (illicitly), Fms. i. 57, K. Á. 118, Fas. iii. 390, Grág. i. 351:—of illness, to fall sick, take to bed, tók hón sótt ok lagðisk í rekkju, Nj. 14; þá lét hann búa hvílu sína ok lagðisk í sótt, Fms. xi. 214: the phrase, leggjask e-t ekki undir höfuð, not lay it under one’s pillow, do it promptly, be mindful of a thing, ii. 120, v. 264:—leggjask á e-t, to fall upon, of robbers, beasts of prey, etc.; at spillvirkjar mundi l. á fé þeirra, i. 226, Grett. 125 new Ed.; Vindr lögðusk á valinn ok raufuðu, xi. 380: örn lagðisk ( prayed) í eyna, Bs. i. 350:—leggjask fyrir, to take rest, lie down, from exhaustion, sickness, or the like, 387; lögðusk þá fyrir bæði menn ok hestar af úviðri, Sturl. iii. 292; þá lögðusk leiðsagnar-menn fyrir, þvíat þeir vissu eigi hvar þeir vóru komnir, Fms. viii. 52; fyrir leggjask um e-t mál, to give it up, Bs. i. 194: leggjask niðr, to pass out of use, cease, Fms. x. 179, xi. 12: leggjask á, to arise, mun sá orðrómr á leggjask, at …, Nj. 32, Fms. i. 291; úþokki lagðisk á milli þeirra bræðra, xi. 14.
    2. to cease; at sá úvandi leggisk sem áðr hefir verit, Fms. i. 280.
    II. to swim (partly answering to A. VI); leggjask til sunds, to go into the water and swim, Ld. 46; þeir leggjask um hríð … Sigmundr leggsk þá um hríð … hann lagðisk síðar ( swam behind), Fær. 173; hann lagðisk eptir geldingi gömlum út í Hvalsey, Landn. 107; Grettir lagðisk nú inn á fjörðinn, Grett. 148; hann lagðisk yfir þvert sundit ok gékk þar á land, 116, Hkr. i. 287, Finnb. 266; þeir koma upp ok leggjask til lands, Ld. 168; for legðir read legðiz, Njarð. 378.
    2. to set out; leggjask í hernað, víking, to set out on a freebooting expedition, Fms. x. 414, passim: leggjask út, to set out into the wilderness, as a highwayman, Odd. 8, Fas. i. 154, passim (útilegu-maðr = a highwayman); ek lögðumk út á merkr, Fms. ii. 103; leggjask á flótta = leggja á flótta, to take to flight, xi. 305: leggjask djúpt, to dive deep (metaph.), Nj. 102; leggjask til e-s, to seek, try eagerly for, Stj. 90, Bs. i. 198; leggjask í e-t, to occupy oneself with, Rb. 312.
    3. á lögðusk logn mikil, þokur ok sælægjur, Orkn. 358; vindar lögðusk ( the wind wafted) af hrauninu um kveldum, Eb. 218, (see A. VII): the phrase, ekki lagðisk mjök á með þeim frændum, they were not on good terms, Ld. 68: ok lagðisk lítt á með þeim Snorra, Sturl. i. 124; þeir töluðu lengi ok lagðisk vel á með þeim, things went well with them, Orkn. 408; þungt hefir á lagizk með okkr Strút-Haraldi jarli um hríð, Fms. xi. 84; Steinólfi þótti þat líkt ok ekki, ok lagðisk lítt á með þeim, Gullþ. 11:—lítið leggsk fyrir e-n, to come to a shameful end; lítið lagðisk nú fyrir kappann, þvíat hann kafnaði í stofu-reyk sem hundr, Grett. 115; svá lítið sem fyrir hann lagðisk, who had been so easily slain, had made so poor a defence, Ld. 150; lítið lagðisk hór fyrir góðan dreng, er þrælar skyldu at bana verða, Landn. 36; kann vera, at nú leggisk lítið fyrir hann, ek skal ráðin til setja, Fms. iv. 166.
    III. recipr., leggjask at, to attack one another, Fms. xi. 130: leggjask hendr á, to lay hands on fine another, Ld. 154; leggjask hugi á, to take a liking for each other, Bárð.: leggjask nær, to run close up to one another, of two boats, Gísl. 51.
    IV. part. lagðr, as adj. fit, destined to a thing, or fitted, of natural gifts; at hann mundi bæði spá-maðr vesa ok lagðr til mikils þrifnaðar ok gæfu Gyðinga-lýð, 625. 87; vera kann at þér sé meirr lagðr ( that thou art more fitted for) fésnúðr ok ferðir en tilstilli um mála-ferli, i. e. that thou art more fitted to be a traveller than a lawyer, Band. 5; öllu því íllu sem honum var lagit, Fb. i. 215; hón var þeim til lýta lagin, she was doomed to be their destruction, Sól. 11; sem mælt er um þá menn sem mjök er sú íþrótt lagin, Fms. v. 40; þvíat þér mun lagit verða at vera (’tis weirded for thee, thou art doomed to be) einvalds konungr yfir öllum Noregi, Fb. i. 564; þér var lengra lif lagit, a longer life was doomed to thee, Fas. iii. 344; allar spár sögðu, at harm mundi verða lagðr til skaða þeim, Edda 19: laginn, expert, skilled, disposed, freq. in mod. usage, hann er laginn fyrir að læra, hann er ekki lund-laginn á það, he has no inclination for it, whence lægni = skill; thus also, lagaðr from laga (q. v.), vera lagaðr fyrir e-t, lagaðr fyrir lærdóm, given to learn, of natural gifts.
    V. part. pass. lagztr; er hann var lagztr niðr, when he had laid himself down, Fas. ii. 345: freq. in mod. usage, hann er lagztr fyrir, lagztr niðr, and so on.

    Íslensk-ensk orðabók > LEGGJA

  • 5 capability

    1. возможность; способность
    4-D capability
    9-g capability
    accel-decel capability
    acceleration-deceleration capability
    acoustic processing capability
    aft-loading cargo capability
    air-defence capability
    air-superiority capability
    air-to-air capability
    air-to-air combat capability
    aircraft design capability
    airdrop capability
    all-aspect capability
    all-altitude penetration capability
    all-weather capability
    altitude reporting capability
    anti-g capability
    antihelicopter capability
    antisubmarine capability
    area navigation capability
    autolanding capability
    autonomous landing capability
    baseline capability
    beyond-visual-range capability
    birdstrike capability
    bump absorption capability
    Cat I capability
    climb capability
    CLmax capability
    computational capability
    continued takeoff capability
    cost-effective capability
    counter-countermeasures capability
    crossfeed capability
    crosswind capability
    decoupling capability
    degraded mode capability
    design capability
    diagnostic capability
    direct force capability
    dry-run capability
    dual-role capability
    endurance capability
    energy absorbing capability
    energy absorption capability
    engine-out capability
    enhanced capability
    fail-operational capability
    failure mode capability
    first-look capability
    first-shoot capability
    first-shot capability
    flutter prediction capability
    forward field capability
    full-aerobatic capability
    full-envelope 9-g load factor capability
    full-envelope escape capability
    full-lift capability
    full-envelope capability
    functional capability
    G capability
    g onset rate capability
    go-around capability
    gross weight capability
    hands-off landing capability
    hard-turning capability
    high-alpha capability
    high-g maneuver capability
    high-lift capability
    high-payload/long-range capability
    high-speed cruise capability
    hover capability
    IFR capability
    incidence capability
    independent capability
    inspection capability
    instantaneous maneuver capability
    instantaneous turn capability
    instantaneous turning capability
    instrument flight rule capability
    launch-and-leave capability
    lift capability
    limited all-weather capability
    load factor capability
    load-carrying capability
    loaded capability
    lock-on after launch capability
    look-ahead capability
    look-down shoot-down capability
    look-into-turn capability
    Mach 1.8 capability
    Mach number capability
    maneuver capability
    maneuvering capability
    moving-base capability
    multidesign-point capability
    multimission capability
    multiple-frequency capability
    multipoint tanker capability
    nap-of-the-earth capability
    naval attack capability
    negative-g capability
    night fighting capability
    nozzle vector capability
    off-airfield capability
    off-axis capability
    off-boresight capability
    off-boresight angle capability
    paradrop capability
    payload capability
    payload-carrying capability
    payload/range capability
    pilot-aircraft capability
    pitch rate capability
    pitch-snatch capability
    point-and-shoot capability
    post-stall capability
    probe-and-drogue capability
    PST capability
    range capability
    rate of climb capability
    real-time capability
    reduced-field-length capability
    rotor overspeed capability
    rough airfield capability
    rough field capability
    rough ground capability
    rough surface capability
    rugged-terrain capability
    see-through capability
    self-diagnostic capability
    short-field capability
    short-landing capability
    short-takeoff capability
    simulation capability
    sink-rate capability
    six degree-of-freedom capability
    snap/shoot attack capability
    sortie generation capability
    speed capability
    standoff capability
    stealth capability
    sustained turn capability
    sustained-g capability
    swing capability
    swing-role capability
    temperature capability
    terrain-clearance capability
    tolerance capability
    touchscreen capability
    tracking capability
    trim capability
    turn capability
    two-fail-operate capability
    unimproved-field capability
    variable-cycle capability
    vector capability
    vertical capability
    vertical landing capability
    zero altitude zero speed escape capability

    Авиасловарь > capability

  • 6 HALDA

    * * *
    (held; hélt, héldum; haldinn), v.
    I. with dat.
    1) to hold fast (Gunnarr var kyrr svá at honum hélt einn maðr);
    to keep back, restrain (Hrafn fekk eigi haldit henni heima);
    2) to withhold (héldu bœndrgjaldinu);
    3) to keep, retain (þú skalt jafhan þessu sæti halda);
    to preserve (halda virðingu sinni, lífi ok limum);
    halda vöku sinni, to keep oneself awake;
    4) to hold, keep one’s stock;
    also ellipt. (vetr var illr ok héldu menn illa);
    5) phrases, halda njósnum, to keep watch, to spy (= halda njósnum til um e-t);
    halda (hendi) fyrir auga, to hold (the hand) before the eyes, shade the eyes;
    halda hendi yfir e-m, to protect one;
    6) to hold, stand, steer, ellipt., þeir héldu aptr (held back again) um haustit;
    þeir héldu út eptir fírði, they stood out the firth;
    halda heim, to steer homewards;
    7) to graze, put in the field (halda fé til haga);
    8) impers. to continue, last (hélt því lengi um vetrinn);
    II. with acc.
    1) to hold in possession, a fief, land, estate (þeir héldu alla hina beztu staði með sjónum);
    2) to hold, keep, observe, a feast, holiday (í hvers minning heldr þú þenna. dag?);
    3) to keep (halda orð sín, eið, sættir, frið);
    to observe (halda guðs lög ok landsins);
    4) to uphold, maintain, support (halda vini sína, halda e-n til ríkis);
    5) halda sik, to comport oneself (kunna halda sik með hófi);
    halda sik ríkmannliga, to fare sumptuously;
    halda sik aptr af e-u, to abstain from;
    6) to hold, consider, deem (hón hélt engan hans jafningja);
    7) to hold, keep up;
    halda varnir, to keep up a defence;
    halda vörð, to keep watch;
    8) to hold, compel, bind (heldr mik þá ekki til útanferðar);
    þó heldr þik várkunn til at leita á, thou hast some excuse for trying;
    III. with preps.:
    halda á e-u, to hold, wield in the hand (halda á sverði);
    to hold to a thing, go on with it, be busy about (halda á drykkju, á ferð sinni, á sýslu);
    halda e-t af e-m, to hold (land, office) from or of one (þeir er höfðu haldið land af Danakonungi);
    halda mikit af e-m, to make much of one;
    halda eptir e-m, to pursue one;
    halda e-u eptir, to keep back;
    halda sik frá e-u, to keep oneself back from, refrain from;
    halda e-u fram, to uphold, support;
    halda e-u fyrir e-u, to withhold from one;
    to protect against (héldu engar grindr fénu fyrir birninum);
    halda e-n fyrir e-t, to hold, consider one to be so and so (síðan hélt konungr Erling fyrir tryggvan vin);
    halda í e-t, to hold fast, grasp (þú skalt halda í hurðarhringinn);
    halda til e-s, to be the cause of, be conducive to;
    heldr þar margt til þess, there are many reasons for this;
    hélt til þess (conduced to it) góðgirni hans;
    halda til e-s, to be bent on, fond of (halda mjök til skarts, til gleði);
    halda til jafns við e-n, to bear up against one, to be a match for one;
    halda um e-t, to grasp with the hand (= halda hendi um e-t);
    halda barni undir skírn, to hold at baptism;
    halda e-u upp, to hold aloft, lift (halda upp höndum);
    halda upp árum, to hold up the oars, cease pulling;
    to uphold, maintain, support (halda upp hofum, kristninni);
    to keep going (halda upp bardaga);
    to discharge (halda upp kostnaði, bótum);
    halda upp bœnum fyrir e-m, to pray for one;
    halda e-u við, to maintain a thing;
    halda við e-m, to stand against (hvar sem harm kom fram, hélt ekki við honum);
    hélt þá við atgöngu (acc.), they were near coming to fight;
    heldr nú við hót, it is little short of threats;
    IV. refl., haldast.
    * * *
    pret. hélt (= Goth. haihald), 2nd pérs. hélt, mod. hélzt, pl. héldum; pres. held, pl. höldum; pret. subj. héldi; part. haldinn; imperat. hald and haltú: [Ulf. haldan = βόσκειν, ποιμαίνειν, whereas he renders to keep, hold by other words; Hel. haldan = alere, fovere, colere, which thus seems to be the primitive sense of the word, and to be akin to Lat. cŏlo; again, A. S. healdan, Engl. hold, O. H. G. haltan, Germ. halten, Swed. hålla, halda, Dan. holde, are all of them used in a more general sense]:—to hold.
    A. WITH DAT. to hold to:
    I. to hold fast by; with the notion of restraint or force, tók Gizurr förunaut Ögmundar ok hélt honum, Sturl. i. 150; Gunnarr var kyrr svá at honum hélt einn maðr, Nj. 92; ef maðr heldr manni …, varðar fjörbaugs-garð, Grág. ii. 110; h. e-m undir drep, 17; h. skipum ( to grapple the ships) með stafnljám, Fms. ii. 315: to keep back, Hrafn fékk eigi haldit henni heima þar, Ísl. ii. 249; ok halda þeim veðr í enni sömu höfn, Grág. i. 92; h. (sér) í e-t, to hold oneself fast by, grasp, þú skalt h. í hurðar-hringinn, Dropl. 29; heldr sér í faxit, Sd. 177.
    β. so in the phrases, halda barni (manni) undir skírn, vatn, primsignan, biskups hönd, eccl. to hold a bairn ( man) at baptism, prima signatio, confirmation, Grág. i. 29; h. vatni (tárum), to hold one’s tears, 623. 56, Fms. viii. 232, vi. (in a verse); halda munni, to hold one’s tongue, be silent, vii. 227; halda tungu sinni, Þórð.
    2. to withhold; þá megu þeir h. tíundum hans í móti, K. Þ. K. 62; h. vætti, Grág. i. 42; h. gögnum, 56; ef goði heldr tylftar-kvið, er hann heldr kviðnum, 58; halda matinum fyrir honum, 47; h. sköttum fyrir e-m, Nj. 8; h. skógar-manni fyrir e-m, Finnb. 334; um þat er hann hefir konunni haldit, Grág. i. 313; héldu bændr gjaldinu, Fms. vii. 302; hélt ek því (i. e. the money) fyrir honum, i. e. paid it not, Ísl. ii. 244.
    II. to hold, of a rope or the like; sá maðr hugði h. mundu er festi, … ok h. mundu í slíku veðri, Grág. ii. 361; reip þau tíu er tveggja manna afli haldi hvert, id.; skal hann svá göra at haldi fyrir fyrnsku, 268.
    β. to hold, hold out, last; optast halda þar íllviðri litla hríð, Sks. 212; sunnudags-helgi ríss upp á laugardegi, ok heldr ( lasts) til mánadags, N. G. L. i. 138.
    III. to keep, retain, Germ. behalten; fá-ein skip héldu seglum sinum, Fms. x. 143; þú skalt jafnan þessu sæti h., Nj. 6; h. bústað sínum, Ld. 26; h. ríki sínu, Al. 58, Fms. i. 13; h. öllum Noregi, viii. 155; h. frelsi ok eignum, vi. 40; h. hlut sínum, to uphold one’s right, Eg. passim; halt sömum vinum sem ek hefi haft, Fas. i. 375; h. hreinleik sínum, Al. 58.
    β. to hold, keep safe, preserve; h. hlut sínum, Ld. 54; h. heilsu, Grág. i. 145; h. virðingu sinni, Ld. 16; þá heldr hann kosti sínum, Grág. ii. 209; h. tíma ( honour) sínum, Al. 59; h. lífi ok limum, Eg. 89; h. lífinu, Nj. 111; h. trúnaði sínum, 109; vináttu sinni, Ld. 200; einorð sinni, Fb. ii. 265; h. sér réttum, to keep oneself right, Ld. 158; h. e-m heilum, Odd. 30; h. ríki fyrir e-m, Fms. v. 279; h. manna-forræði fyrir e-m, Hrafn. 19; h. réttu máli fyrir e-m, Fms. vii. 64.
    2. to continue to keep, keep all along; h. teknum hætti, Fms. iv. 254; h. vöku, to keep oneself awake, Ld. 152; but h. vöku fyrir e-m, to keep another awake; halda sýslu sinni, Fs. 36; h. högum, to keep grazing, Eb. 104, Ld. 148.
    3. to hold, keep one’s stock; ellipt., vetr var íllr ok héldu menn ílla, the winter was cold and it was ill to keep live stock, Sturl. ii. 143, (cp. fjár-höld); hann hélt vel svá at nær lifði hvat-vetna, Hrafn. 22: metaph., ílla hefir þinn faðir þá haldit, Fms. xi. 144; öld hefir ílla haldit, the people have had a sad loss, vi. (in a verse); h. fangi, and also ellipt. halda, of sheep and cattle, opp. to ‘to go back.’
    4. phrases, halda njósnum, to keep watch, to spy, Fms. viii. 146, Nj. 113; hann hélt njósnum til Önundar, Landn. 287; hélt konungr njósnum til, ef …, Fms. vii. 128; hann skyldi h. njósnum til ok gera orð konungi, i. 54; h. njósnum til um e-t, iv. 119, Nj. 93; halda njósn (sing.) um skip þat, Eg. 74; þér haldit njósnum nær færi gefr á Arnkatli, Eb. 186; hann lét h. njósnum uppi á landi, Fms. vii. 316; hann hélt fréttum til, ef …, iv. 349.
    β. halda (hendi) fyrir auga, to hold ( the hand) before the eyes, shade the eyes, Nj. 132, Fms. v. 196; h. fyrir munn e-m, to hold ( the hand) over one’s mouth; h. hendi yfir e-m, to hold the hand over one, protect one, Nj. 266, Fbr. 22, Korm.; h. hendi um háls e-m, to clasp the hands around one’s neck, Fms. i. 9; h. skildi fyrir e-n, to hold the shield for one as a second in a duel, Ísl. ii. 257, passim; h. e-m til náms, to hold one to the book, make one study, K. Þ. K. 56; h. e-m til virðingar, Ld. 98.
    IV. ellipt. (liði, skipi, för, stefnu, etc. understood), to hold, stand in a certain direction, esp. as a naut. term; þeir héldu aptr ( stood back again) um haustið, Eg. 69; treystisk hann eigi á haf at halda, Eb. 6; héldu þeir vestr um haf, id.; stigu þeir á skip sín, ok héldu út ( stood out) eptir firði, Fms. i. 63; þeir héldu þat sama sumar til Íslands, Ld. 6; hann hélt upp eptir hinni eystri kvísl, Fms. vii. 55; h. heim, to hold one’s course, stand homewards, Odd. 30; h. á braut, Grág. i. 92; Hrútr hélt suðr til Eyrar-sunds, Nj. 8; h. eptir e-m, to pursue one, 7; h. undan, to fly, Fms. x. 396, Nj. 98 (on land); kom móti þeim sunnan-veðr með myrkri, ok urðu þeir fyrir at h., to lay one’s course for the wind, A. A. 271; h. útleið, to stand on the outer tack, Eg. 78; h. til, to turn against, attack (on sea), Fms. xi. 72; hélt hann liði sínu suðr á Mæri, i. 62; þeir héldu liði sínu norðr til Þrándheims, id.; Haraldr konungr hélt norðan liði sínu, Eg. 32; héldu þeir skipi því suðr með landi, 69; skipi því lét hann halda vestr til Englands, id.; Unnr hélt skipinu í Orkneyjar, eptir þat hélt Unnr skipi sínu til Færeyja, Ld. 8.
    β. to graze, put in the field, of sheep, cattle; þykkir mér þat miklu skipta at þeim sé vel til haga haldit, Eg. 714; hvert Steinarr hafði látið nautum sínum halda, 715; ok bað hann h. nautunum annan veg, 716.
    γ. phrases, halda kyrru fyrir, to hold still, remain quiet, Ld. 216, Þórð. 30 new Ed., Nj. 223, 258; Hallr heldr nú til fangs ( went fishing) sem áðr, Ld. 38.
    V. with prep.; halda á e-u, to hold, wield in the hand, freq. in mod. usage, h. á bók, penna, fjöðr, hníf, skærum, nál, etc.; hafði hverr þat er hélt á, Nj. 279; h. á sverði, Fb. i. 33; hann tók við öxinni ok hélt (viz. á), ok sá á, Eg. 180: to hold fast, heldr nú maðr á manni, Fas. i. 12; eigi máttu helvítis byrgi h. á honum, 656 C. 6; ef hann heldr á fénu ( withholds it), Grág. i. 427.
    β. [Germ. anhalten], to hold to a thing, go on with, be busy about; h. á sýslu, to be busy, Rm. 14; h. á keri, qs. halda á drykkju, to go on drinking, carousing, Hm. 18: h. á hinni sömu bæn, Stj. 417; h. á fyrirsátrum við e-n, Þórð. 51 new Ed.; h. á búnaði sínum, Ld. 164; hélt hann þá á búnaði sínum sem skjótligast, Fms. ix. 215, x. 119, Sturl. ii. 245; þogar á bak Jólum hélt Ólafr konungr á búningi, Fms. v. 41; hann heldr nú á málinu, Nj. 259; nú heldr Þórðr á málinu ok verðr Oddný honum gipt, Bjarn. 11, Konr. (Fr.); h. á tilkalli, Fms. i. 84; h. á þessum sið, xi. 41; h. á för, to go on with one’s journey, Sighvat; gengu síðan brott ok héldu á ferð sinni, and went on their journey, Sturl.;—whence the mod. phrase, halda áfram, to go on, which seems not to occur in old writers.
    2. halda e-u fram, to hold up, make much of; bróðir minn mun mér mjök hafa fram haldit fyrir ástar sakir, Nj. 3.
    β. to hold on doing, (hence fram-hald, continuation); halda fram upp-teknu efni, Fms. i. 263; slíku hélt hann fram meðan hann lifði, iv. 254; hélt hann (fram) teknum hætti um veizlurnar, id., Grett. 14.
    3. halda saman, to hold together, Eluc. 6, Fms. vii. 140, Rb. 340.
    4. halda e-u upp, to hold aloft, Yngvarr hélt upp vísu þeirri, Eg. 152; steinninn heldr upp annarr öðrum, Rb. 390; h. upp árum, to hold up the oars, cease pulling, Fas. ii. 517, N. G. L. i. 65.
    β. to uphold, maintain, support; halda upp hofi, Landn. 64, Eb. 24; h. upp hofum ok efla blót, Fms. i. 91; h. upp kirkju, K. Þ. K. 52; h. upp Kristninni, Fms. i. 32: to keep going, h. upp bardaga, orrostu, xi. 66, 188, 340.
    γ. to discharge; h. upp féráns-dómi, Grág. i. 120; h. upp lögskilum, 145; h. upp svörum, Ó. H. 174; h. upp kostnaði, Eg. 77; h. upp gjaldi, Grág. i. 384; gjöldum, Fms. i. 81; h. upp bót, Grág. ii. 182; bótum, Eb. 100, 162, N. G. L. i. 311; ef hann heldr upp yfirbót ( penance) þeirri, Hom. 70; h. upp bænum fyrir e-m, to pray for one, Fms. xi. 271; hélt hann því vel upp sem vera átti, discharged it well, x. 93.
    δ. halda sér vel upp, to hold oneself well up, Sturl.
    ε. metaph., skal-at hann lögvillr verða, svá at honum haldi þat uppi (i. e. went unpunished), Grág. i. 316; ok heldr honum þat uppi ( that will save him), ef hann er rétt-hafi at orðinn, ii. 242.
    5. halda e-u við, to maintain a thing, Hkr. i. 195.
    VI. impers.,
    1. to continue, last; hélt því nokkura stund dags, Fms. x. 125: hélt því lengi um vetrinn, Ld. 288; regni hélt haustnótt gegnum, Fms. vi. 83.
    2. with prep. við, to be on the brink of; hélt þá við atgöngu, they were within a hair’s breadth of coming to fight, Hkr. i. 143; hélt þá við vandræði, Fms. ix. 434; heldr við bardaga, vi. 8; heldr nú við hót, it is little short of a threat, i. 305; hélt við blót, x. 106; ok hélt við flótta, i. 174; hélt við meiðingar, Nj. 21, Sd. 143; henni hélt við, at hón mundi drepa hana, Nj. 118; þeim hélt við váða sjálfan, Ó. H. 168; konungi hélt við, hvárt hann mundi standask eðr eigi, Mag. 100; honum hélt við kafnan, Bs. i. 18; hélt þó við at þeir mundi berjask, Fs. 53.
    B. WITH ACC. to hold:
    I. to hold in possession, a fief, land, estate, office, or the like; þeir héldu alla hina beztu staði með sjónum, Fms. xi. 131; þeir er áðr höfðu haldit land af Dana-konungi, i. 232; Eirekr skyldi h. land af Aðalsteini konungi, 23; Vemundr hélt Firða-fylki, Eg. 12; hélt hann þat ríki undir Knút konungi, Ísl. ii. 242; í þeirri borg héldu þeir langfeðgar fimmtán konungdóma, Ver. 37; h. land sem leigu-land, Grág. ii. 278; konungrinn heldr af Guði nafnit, Sks. 599 B; prestar er kirkjur halda, H. E. i. 486; sá prestr er heldr Pétrs-kirkju, N. G. L. i. 312; presta þeirra er kirkju halda, 346; skal sá maðr ráða er kirkju heldr, K. Þ. K. 60; Ólafs kirkju þá er Væringjar halda (the parish church of W.), Hkr. iii. 408.
    2. halda ábyrgju, ábyrgð á e-n, to have the responsibility of a thing, Grág. ii. 399, K. Þ. K. 66; h. grip, to be in the possession of, Grág. i. 438, ii. 190; h. skóla, to keep a school, Mar.; h. fylgð, to perform, Fms. ix. 279; eiga vandræði at h., to be in a strait, difficulty, Eb. 108.
    II. to hold, keep, observe, a feast, holiday, or the like; halda kirkju-dag, K. Þ. K. 42; í hvers minning heldr þú þenna dag? Nj. 157; h. helgan þvátt-dag hvern, Pr. 437; h. helga daga, Sl.; h. Jóla-dag, Páska, Hvíta-sunnu, Rb. 134; minnstú að h. helgan hvíldar-daginn Drottins Guðs þíns (the Fourth Commandment in the Icel. version); h. heilagt, to keep holiday, Dipl. ii. 14; í dag þá hátíð höldum vér til himna sté vor Herra, Hólabók 54; er Júdar héldu hátíðligt, Stj. 110; (hence forn-haldinn, time-honoured): of the day-marks (vide dagr, p. 95), er þaðan haldinn miðr-morgin, Hrafn. 9.
    2. to keep; halda orð sín, to keep one’s word, Fms. x. 95; höldum öll einka-mál vár, vii. 305; h. sættir, Nj. 57; gerðú svá vel, félagi, at þú halt vel sætt þessa, 111, Sturl. iii. 153, Fs. 65, Gullþ. 20; hann kvaðsk vilja hafa svardaga af þeim ok festu, at halda, Nj. 164; h. eið, Sturl. iii. 153; h. frið, to keep peace, Greg. 7; ef þú vilt nokkura hluti eigi h. þá er ek hefi á lagt við þik, Eg. 738: to observe faith, law, rite, etc., halda átrúnað, Fms. i. 34, x. 277; h. Guðs lög ok landsins, vii. 305; h. lands lög, viii. 155; h. ein lög, 625. 52; hafa ok halda þau lög, Fms. i. 34; h. Kristilega trú, K. Á. 74; h. mál (orð) e-s, Greg. 17; h. alla hluti með athugasamlegu minni, Sks. 439.
    3. to keep, tend; halda geitr, Hkv. 2. 20 (exactly as in Gothic).
    III. to uphold, maintain, support; þykkir mér þér sé nú ísjár-vert, hvárt þú munt fá haldit þik eðr eigi, Nj. 155; munu vér þó ekki einhlitir at h. oss eptir þessi verk, Háv. 50; at hón mætti með valdi h. sik ok menn sína, Fas. i. 375; þat væri nokkurr várkunn, at þú héldir frænda þinn eðr fóstbróður, en þetta er alls engi (at) halda útlaga konungs, Ó. H. 145; enda ætla ek lítinn viljann til at h. vini þína, Fms. vii. 244; því at Eysteinn konungr kenndi Inga konungi, at hann héldi þá menn, 248; ef þú heldr hann ( upholdest him) til þess at ganga á vini mína, Eg. 339; viljum vér allir fylgja þér ok þik til konungs halda, Fms. i. 34; Stephanus skyldi h. hann til laga ok réttinda, Sks. 653; h. e-n til ríkis, Fb. i. 236; vinsæld föður hans hélt hann mest til alþýðu vináttu, Fms. vii. 175; þeir sem upp h. ( sustain) þenna líkama, Anecd. 4.
    β. phrases, halda e-m kost, borð, to keep at board, entertain, Fms. ix. 220, x. 105, 146, Nj. 6; or, halda e-n at klæðum ok drykk, Ó. H. 69; h. stríð, bellum gerere (not class.), Fms. x. 51; h. úfrið, Fas. ii. 539.
    2. halda sik, to comfort oneself, Sks. 281, Hom. 29; kunna sik með hófi at h., Sturl. iii. 108; h. sik ríkmannliga, to fare sumptuously, Ld. 234; hann hélt betr húskarla sína en aðrir, Fms. vii. 242; h. mjök til skarts, to dress fine, Ld. 196; þar var Hrefna ok hélt allmjök til skarts, id.; hann var hægr hvers-dagliga, ok hélt mjök til gleði, Sturl. iii. 123; hélt hann hér mjök til vinsælda ok virðinga, he enjoyed much popularity and fame, Ld. 298.
    β. ellipt. (sik understood), at h. til jafns við e-n, to bear up against one, to be a match for one, Ld. 40; ef þér hefir eigi til þess hug eðr afl at h. til jafns við e-n húskarl Þorsteins, Eg. 714; h. til fullnaðar, to stand on one’s full rights; ef þær taka eigi fullrétti, eðr h. eigi til fullnaðar, Grág. ii. 109; h. fullara, to hold one above other men, Ó. H. (in a verse); lét konungr þá h. mjök til ( make great preparations) at syngja messu hátíðliga, Hkr. i. 287.
    3. to hold forth, put forward; at þeim inyiidi þungbýlt vera í nánd honum, ef þeir héldi nokkurn annan fyrir betra mann en hann, Ld. 26; síðan hélt konungr Erling fyrir tryggvan mann, Fms. ix. 399.
    β. to hold, deem, be of opinion; the old writers seem not to use the word exactly in this sense, but near to it come such phrases as, hón hélt engan hans jafningja innan hirðar hvárki í orðum né öðrum hlutum, i. e. she held him to be above all men, Ld. 60; halda menn hann fyrir konung, Fb. i. 216; still closer, halda menn at Oddný sé nú betr gipt, Bjarn. 12 (but only preserved in a paper MS.): this sense is very freq. in mod. usage, to hold, mean, eg held það; eg held ekki, I think not; (hence hald, opinion.)
    γ. phrases, halda mikit upp á e-n, to hold one in much esteem, love, Stj. 33; halda af e-m, id., Fas. i. 458, ii. 63, 200, iii. 520, esp. freq. in mod. usage, (upp-á-hald, af-hald, esteem.)
    4. to hold on, keep up; halda varnir, to keep up a defence, Sks. 583; halda vörð, to keep watch, Eg. 120, Grág. i. 32, 264; halda njósn, Eg. 72, 74, Fms. xi. 46; halda tal af e-m, to speak, communicate with one, ii. 88.
    5. to hold, be valid, be in force, a law term; á sú sekt öll at halda, Grág. i. 89; á þat at h. allt er þeir urðu á sáttir, 86; enda á þat at h. með þeim síðan, ii. 336.
    IV. to hold, compel, bind (with the notion of obligation or duty); heldr mik þá ekki til utan-ferðar, Nj. 112; þó heldr þik várkunn til at leita á, i. e. thou art excused, thou hast some excuse in trying, 21; var auðsætt hvat til hélt um sættir, Bjarn. 70; þik heldr eigi hér svá mart, at þú megir eigi vel bægja héraðs-vist þinni, Eb. 252; þar mælir þú þar, er þik heldr várkunn til at mæla, Nj. 227; ek mun vera vinr hans, ok alla þá, er at mínum orðum láta, halda til vináttu við hann, i. e. I will be his friend, and all those who lend ear to my words I will hold to friendship with him, Eg. 18.
    2. halda sik frá e-u, to keep oneself from, to refrain from a thing, Sks. 276 B; h. sik frá munaðlífi, Post. 656 A. ii. 16, Hom. 53, 135; h. sik aptr af e-u, to abstain from, Hkr. i. 512.
    V. absol. to be the cause of, be conducive to a thing; heldr þar margt til þess, there are many reasons for this, Nj. 192; vildim vér vita hvat til heldr, Fms. vii. 106; en hann vissi eigi hvat til hafði haldit, er hann kom eigi, xi. 11; margir hlutir héldu til þess, Eg. 38; þat hélt til þess, at …, Al. 94; hélt til þess ( conduced to it) góðgirnd hans, stórmennska ok vitsmunir, Fs. 29; hefir þat mjök til haldit, er ek hefi svá lengi dvalizt, at ek ætlaða, Ld. 32; hann lét bæði til h. vingan ok mágsemd, Fs. 24; heldr þat mest til at þá var komit útfall sjávar, Ld. 56; hélt þat mest til þess, at hann gafsk bezt í öllum mannraunum, 60; þat eitt hélt til, at þeir fóru eigi málum á hendr Þórði, at þeir höfðu eigi styrk til, 138.
    VI. to hold, comprise; sólar-öld heldr tuttugu ok átta ár, Rb. 510; h. skor (of weight), Grág. i. 500.
    ☞ In some instances the use of dat. and acc. wavers, e. g. halda húsum, to keep up the houses, Grág. ii. 278, 335; h. hliði, to keep the gate in repair, 265; but halda hlið (acc.), 332: to keep, observe, h. lögum, griðum, boðorðum, Glúm. 333, Grág. i. 357, ii. 166, 623. 28; hélt hann þessu sumu, Fms. x. 416 (Ágrip); halda ílla orðum, vii. (in a verse); þeir er því þingi áttu at h., Glúm. 386; h. sáttum, St. 17; h. eiðum, Bkv. 18; Gizuri þótti biskup h. ríkt ( protect strongly) brennu-mönnum, Sturl. i. 201 C; Guð er sínum skepnum heldr (keeps, protects) ok geymir, Mar.; þá hélt engi kirkju mönnum, … kept no man safe, Fms. ix. 508; h. njósn (acc.) um e-t, Eg. 74; h. til njósn, 72; njósnir, Fms. xi. 46. In most of these instances the acc. is the correct case, and the dat. is due either to careless transcribers or incorrect speaking: in some instances an enclitic um has been taken for a dative inflexion, thus e. g. sáttum haldi in Stor. l. c. is to be restored to sátt um haldi; eiðum haldit in Bkv. l. c. to eið (for eiða) um haldit; in others the prep. um has caused the confusion, as ‘halda njósn um at’ has been changed into halda njósnum at. But in the main the distinction between the use of dat. and acc. is fixed even at the present time: the acc. seems to represent the more primitive usage of this verb, the dat. the secondary.
    C. REFLEX.:
    I. to hold oneself, to stay; héldusk þeir þá ekki fyrir norðan Stað, Fms. i. 63; mátti hann eigi þar haldask, Landn. 246; h. á baki, to keep oneself on horseback, keep one’s seat, Grág. ii. 95; munu þeir skamma stund hér við haldask, Nj. 247: to be kept, remain, þá skal hann h. með Helju, Edda 39: to resist, megu vér ekki við h. fyrir ofreflis-mönnum þessum, Nj. 254; hélzk þá ekki við honum, Eg. 289; mann er svá hefir haldisk við höfuð-syndum, Hom. 157.
    β. to hold out, last, continue; ok hélzk ferillinn, Eg. 579; hélzk undr þetta allt til dags, Nj. 272 (twice); hélzk konungdómr í kyni hans, Rb. 394; lengi síðan hélzk bruna-öld með Svíum, Yngl. S.; lengi hélzk þat í ætt þeirri, at …, Eg. 770; hélzk vinátta með þeim, Nj. 66; þat hefir enn haldizk í ætt hans, Fms. iv. 8; ok hefir þat haldizk ( it has continued to be so) síðan er ek hefi hann séð, Ld. 174; honum haldisk (imperat.) sigr ok langt líf, Ver. 57; betr þætti mér, at hún héldisk þér, that it (the luck) would hold out for thee, Fb. ii. 74; ef hann helzk í útrú sinni, if he perseveres in his untruth, 623. 26.
    γ. to be kept safe and sound; menn allir héldusk ( all bands were saved) ok svá fé, Ld. 8, Fs. 143; þar héldusk menn allir ok mestr hluti fjár, Eg. 405; hafði fé vel haldizk, has been well kept, done well, Ld. 34.
    δ. to be valid, stand; eigu þau handsöl hennar at haldask, Grág. i. 334; engi má haldask dómr hans, Edda 15; skyldu þau (the truce) haldask um þingit, Nj. 348.
    2. impers., mér helzk, e-m helzk vel, ílla, á e-u, to have a good hold, have luck with a thing; mér helzk lítt á sauða-mönnum, Grett. 110 A.
    3. recipr., haldask á, to hold or pull one against another, wrestle, (hence á-höld); var sagt Magnúsi, at þeir héldisk á úti, that they were fighting outside, Sturl. ii. 44.
    II. part. pass. haldinn, [Dan. holden], so ‘holden,’ in such and such a state; vel haldinn, in good condition, faring well, well to do, Eg. 20, 234; hugðusk þar ok haldnir ( safe) mundu vera, Ver. 34; þungliga h., very sick, Eg. 565, Hkr. ii. 199; vel haldinn, doing well; tak heldr annat fé, svá mikit, at þú þykisk vel haldinn af, i. e. fully satisfied, having got full redress, Boll. 350; Sveinn sagði, at hann vill hafa tvá hluti fjárins, Hrani sagðisk ekki af því haldinn ( satisfied) vera, Fms. iv. 31: in the phrase, heilu ok höldnu, safe and sound, Bs. i. 191, Fms. xi. 376, Hkr. i. 319; með höldnu hljóði, preserving the sound, Skálda 175.
    2. ok mun þykkja sér misboðit ef þú ert haldinn (kept, protected), Finnb. 344.
    β. kept, observed, Fms. xi. 99.
    γ. held in custody, in prison, Bs. i. 419, Sturl. i. 151.
    III. gerund., haldandi, holding good, valid; sá dómr er eigi haldandi, is not valid, K. Á. 304; af öllu afli er friðr haldandi, Hom. 5.
    2. part. act., með upp haldandi höndum, with uplifted hands, Bs. i. 684.

    Íslensk-ensk orðabók > HALDA

  • 7 el

    el coche the car
    la casa the house
    los niños the children
    el agua/hacha/águila the water/ax/eagle
    fui a recoger a los niños I went to pick up the children
    * * *
    1 the
    la Sra. Rodríguez Mrs. Rodríguez
    2 el de the one
    3 el que (persona - sujeto) the one who; (- objeto) the one, the one that, the one whom
    4 (cosa) the one, the one that, the one which
    * * *
    1. pron. 2. art.
    * * *
    el; la; los; las
    1) [con nombres de referente único o concreto] the

    ¿está fría el agua? — is the water cold?

    ¿ha llegado ya el abogado? — has the lawyer arrived yet?

    el tío ese* that chap

    2) [en algunos casos no se traduce]
    a) [con nombres propios]

    ¿qué manda la señora? — what would madam like?

    ha llamado el Sr. Sendra — Mr. Sendra called

    dáselo a la Luisa* give it to Luisa

    b) [con nombres en sentido genérico]
    c) [con infinitivo]

    el hacerlo fue un error — doing it was a mistake, it was a mistake to do it

    d) [con cifras, proporciones]

    ahora gano el 3% más — I now earn 3% more

    3) [traducido por el posesivo]
    4) [con expresiones temporales]
    5) (=uso distributivo)
    6) [en exclamaciones]

    ¡el frío que hacía! — it was freezing!

    7) [posesivo]

    el de, mi libro y el de usted — my book and yours

    el del sombrero rojothe one with o in the red hat

    es un traje bonito, pero prefiero el de Ana — it's a nice suit, but I prefer Ana's

    y el de todos los demás — and that of everybody else, and everybody else's


    el que

    a) + indic

    él es el que quiere — it's he who wants to, he's the one who wants to

    los que hacen eso son tontos — anyone who does that is a fool, those who do so are foolish

    b) + subjun whoever

    el que quiera, que lo haga — whoever wants to can do it

    * * *
    (pl los), la (pl las) articulo
    [the masculine article el is also used before feminine nouns which begin with accented a or ha, e.g. el agua pura, el hada madrina]

    ¿ya vas a la escuela? — do you go to school yet?

    el mío/las tuyas — mine/yours

    el rojo/último — the red/last one

    los nacidos entre... — those born between...


    el + de...: la del sombrero the one with the hat; el de Valencia the one from Valencia; el de las nueve the nine o'clock one; el de Juan/de mi hijo — Juan's/my son's


    el + que...: el que acaba de entrar the one who's just come in; las que yo ví the ones I saw; los que estén cansados; those who are tired, anyone who's tired; la que te guste whichever you like; el que lo haya hecho — whoever has done it

    el mes pasado/que viene — last/next month

    4) ( cada)

    $80 el metro/kilo — $80 a meter/a kilo

    5) (con fracciones, porcentajes, números)

    la mitad/la cuarta parte del dinero — half the money/a quarter of the money

    el 20% de... — 20% of...

    el cuarto pisothe fifth floor (AmE) o (BrE) fourth floor

    6) (refiriéndose a partes del cuerpo, prendas de vestir, artículos personales, etc)
    a) (con apellidos acompañados de título, adjetivos, etc)

    el señor Ortiz/la doctora Vidal — Mr Ortiz/Doctor Vidal

    b) ( en plural)
    * * *
    (pl los), la (pl las) articulo
    [the masculine article el is also used before feminine nouns which begin with accented a or ha, e.g. el agua pura, el hada madrina]

    ¿ya vas a la escuela? — do you go to school yet?

    el mío/las tuyas — mine/yours

    el rojo/último — the red/last one

    los nacidos entre... — those born between...


    el + de...: la del sombrero the one with the hat; el de Valencia the one from Valencia; el de las nueve the nine o'clock one; el de Juan/de mi hijo — Juan's/my son's


    el + que...: el que acaba de entrar the one who's just come in; las que yo ví the ones I saw; los que estén cansados; those who are tired, anyone who's tired; la que te guste whichever you like; el que lo haya hecho — whoever has done it

    el mes pasado/que viene — last/next month

    4) ( cada)

    $80 el metro/kilo — $80 a meter/a kilo

    5) (con fracciones, porcentajes, números)

    la mitad/la cuarta parte del dinero — half the money/a quarter of the money

    el 20% de... — 20% of...

    el cuarto pisothe fifth floor (AmE) o (BrE) fourth floor

    6) (refiriéndose a partes del cuerpo, prendas de vestir, artículos personales, etc)
    a) (con apellidos acompañados de título, adjetivos, etc)

    el señor Ortiz/la doctora Vidal — Mr Ortiz/Doctor Vidal

    b) ( en plural)
    * * *
    = the, ye.

    Ex: The first institute, 'The Catalog: Its Nature and Prospects,' was held in New York City on October 9 and 10, 1975.

    Ex: The article 'Ye olde smart card' presents an annotated list of information sources on the credit card industry.
    * a lo extremo = to the extreme.
    * aunque no lo creas = believe it or not.
    * barrio de los ricos = upper town.
    * de los mejores = as good as any.
    * el abuelo de = the granddaddy of.
    * el acabose = the last straw.
    * el alcance = comprehensiveness.
    * el amor de + Posesivo + vida = the love of + Posesivo + life.
    * el año próximo = the year ahead.
    * el arte de = the art of, the fine art of.
    * el ataque es la mejor defensa = attack is the best form of defence.
    * el auténtico = the real McCoy.
    * el beneficio de la duda = the benefit of the doubt.
    * el bien de = the good of.
    * el buenazo de + Nombre = good old + Nombre.
    * el bueno de + Nombre = good old + Nombre.
    * el camino a seguir = the way ahead, the way to go.
    * el camino correcto = the way ahead, the way to go.
    * el camino hacia + Nombre + está lleno de + Nombre = the road (to/towards) + Nombre + is paved with + Nombre.
    * el camino hacia + Nombre + está plagado de + Nombre = the road (to/towards) + Nombre + is paved with + Nombre.
    * el camino por recorrer = the way ahead.
    * el camino que lleva a = a/the doorway to.
    * el camino recorrido = the road travelled so far.
    * el camino se hace andando = actions speak louder than words.
    * el centro de atención + ser = all eyes + be + on.
    * el charco = the big pond.
    * el ciudadano de a pie = the average Joe.
    * el ciudadano medio = the average Joe.
    * el cliente siempre tiene la razón = the customer is always right.
    * el colmo = the last straw.
    * el consejo de otra persona = a second opinion.
    * el copón = the dog's bollocks, the bee's knees, the cat's meow, the cat's pyjamas, the cat's whiskers.
    * el corazón de = the heart of.
    * el crecimiento de = the rising tide of.
    * el cual = which.
    * el de = that in, that of.
    * el diablo está en los detalles = the devil (is/lives) in the details.
    * el día del Juicio Final = the Day of Judgement.
    * El Diluvio = the Flood.
    * el dinero es el origen de todos los males = money is the root of all evil.
    * el dinero es la fuente de todos los males = money is the root of all evil.
    * el dinero mueve al mundo = money makes the world go (a)round.
    * el dinero no crece en los árboles = money doesn't grow on trees.
    * el doble = twice + as many.
    * el doble de = twice + the number of.
    * El Dorado = El Dorado.
    * el enemigo en casa = the enemy within.
    * el entonces + Nombre = the then + Nombre.
    * el espíritu de la época = the spirit of the times.
    * el estado de las cosas = the lay of the land [the lie of the land, -UK].
    * el evitar = avoidance.
    * el éxito genera éxito = success breeds success (SBS).
    * el éxito llama al éxito = success breeds success (SBS).
    * el final de = the close of.
    * el final de los problemas = the light at the end of the tunnel.
    * el fin del mundo = the ends of the earth.
    * el fin de semana = over the weekend, at the weekend.
    * el fin de todos los fines = the end of all ends.
    * el fin justifica los medios = the end justifies the means.
    * el fruto de + Nombre = the fruit of + Nombre.
    * el futuro = the way ahead, the way of the future.
    * el futuro + estar + justo a la vuelta de la esquina = the future + be + just around the corner.
    * el Gato con Botas = Puss in Boots.
    * el grado de = the extent of.
    * el grado de + Nombre = the breadth and depth of + Nombre.
    * el grado en que = the extent to which.
    * el gran hermano = big brother.
    * el guapo de + Nombre = good old + Nombre.
    * el hecho es que = fact is, the fact is (that).
    * el hecho es que... = the fact of the matter is that....
    * el hombre de la calle = the average Joe.
    * el hombre no es una isla = no man is an island.
    * el hombre propone y Dios dispone = Man proposes, God disposes.
    * el impulsor de = the power behind.
    * el interés público = the public interest.
    * El Juicio Final = The Last Judgement.
    * el lastre de = the shackles of.
    * el llevar = carrying.
    * el lugar que le corresponde a = the due place of.
    * El Mago de Oz = The Wizard of Oz, The Wizard of Oz.
    * el más = all-time.
    * el más + Adjetivo = the most + Adjetivo.
    * el más allá = hereafter.
    * el más bajo = rock-bottom.
    * el más favorito del mes = pick of the month.
    * el más leído = the most widely read.
    * el más recomendado = best of breed, the.
    * el Mediterráneo = Mediterranean Sea, the, the Med.
    * el mejor = best of breed, the.
    * el mejor de todos = the cream of the crop, crème de la crème.
    * el mejor hasta ahora = the best yet.
    * el mejor modo de = the best way of.
    * el mejor momento de todos = the time of all times.
    * el mejor + Nombre = the best available + Nombre.
    * el mejor que ha hecho hasta ahora = Posesivo + best yet.
    * el mentir = lying.
    * el mes pasado = last month.
    * el mío = mine.
    * el mismo + Nombre (+ que) = every bit as much + Nombre (+ as).
    * el mismo número = as many.
    * el modo como = the way in which.
    * el modo de = the way in which.
    * el modo de + Infinitivo = the way to go about + Gerundio.
    * el momento preciso = the point in time at which.
    * el motor de = the power behind.
    * el movimiento se demuestra andando = actions speak louder than words.
    * el muerto al hoyo y el vivo al bollo = dead men have no friends.
    * el mundo de las noticias = newsmaking.
    * el mundo en la palma de la mano = the world in the palm of + Posesivo + hand.
    * el mundo está a sus pies = the world is + Posesivo + oyster.
    * el mundo es un pañuelo = it's a small world.
    * el + Nombre + correcto al + Nombre + adecuado en el momento oportuno = the right + Nombre + to the right + Nombre + at the right time.
    * el + Nombre + es inestimable = the + Nombre + cannot be overestimated.
    * el + Nombre + más completo = the + Nombre + to end all + Nombre.
    * el no va más = the be all and end all, the bee's knees, the cat's pyjamas, the cat's meow, the cat's whiskers, the dog's bollocks.
    * el nuevo aspecto de = the changing face of, the changing nature of.
    * el orgullo de = showpiece.
    * el otro lado de la barrera = the other side of the fence.
    * el padre de = the father of.
    * el pan nuestro de cada día = all in a day's work.
    * el paso del tiempo = the passage of time, the sands of time.
    * el peor de todos = the worst of the lot.
    * el perro es el mejor amigo del hombre = a dog is man's best friend.
    * el peso de = brunt of, the.
    * el populacho = the great unwashed.
    * el porqué de = the reason behind, the thinking behind, the reasoning behind, the idea behind.
    * el portavoz de = the voice of.
    * el presente = thisness.
    * el primer intento = the first time around.
    * el primer + Nombre = the earliest + Nombre.
    * el primero mencionado = former.
    * el principal = the number one.
    * el principio de = the dawn of.
    * el principio del fin = the beginning of the end.
    * el principio de + Mes/Estación = early + Mes/Estación.
    * el problema no es el qué, sino el cómo = the devil (is/lives) in the details.
    * el problema obvio = the elephant in the room.
    * el proletariado = the great unwashed.
    * el pulmón de = the heart of.
    * el punto más bajo = rock-bottom.
    * el que = that, the one.
    * el que aprende = learner.
    * el que las hace, las paga = you've made your bed, now you must lie in it!.
    * el que lo encuentre se lo queda = finders keepers.
    * el que mantiene a la familia = breadwinner [bread winner].
    * el que mucho abarca poco aprieta = jack of all trades, master of none.
    * el que no llora, no mama = the squeaky (squeaking) wheel gets the grease (the oil/oiled).
    * el que no se aventura no cruza el mar = nothing ventured, nothing gained.
    * el que pregunta = inquirer [enquirer, -UK].
    * el quid de la cuestión = the crux of the problem, the crux of the matter.
    * el registro de los registros = record-of-record.
    * el registro modelo = record-of-record.
    * el resto = rest, the.
    * el resto (de) = the remainder (of), the rest (of).
    * El Salvador = El Salvador.
    * el segundo mencionado = latter.
    * el sendero que lleva a = a/the doorway to.
    * el ser barato = cheapness.
    * el siguiente no, el otro = next but one.
    * el sitio adecuado en el momento adecuado = the right place at the right time.
    * el sueño de toda persona = the stuff dreams are made of.
    * el sueño de todos = the stuff dreams are made of.
    * el sueño de todo ser viviente = the stuff dreams are made of.
    * el súmmum = the bee's knees, the cat's pyjamas, the cat's meow, the cat's whiskers, the dog's bollocks.
    * el tamaño de = the extent of.
    * el tema de la discusión = the focus of the discussion.
    * el tema del debate = the focus of the discussion.
    * el tiempo de Algo = in season.
    * el tiempo es oro = time is money.
    * el tiempo lo dirá = only time will tell.
    * el tiempo vuela = time flies (by).
    * el tipo de = the range of.
    * el todo es más grande que la suma de sus partes = the whole is greater than the sum of its parts.
    * el total de = the total sum of, the sum total of.
    * el transcurrir del tiempo = the sands of time.
    * el transcurso del tiempo = as time goes by.
    * el último citado = latter.
    * el último grito = the last word, the cat's meow, the bee's knees, the cat's pyjamas, the cat's whiskers, the dog's bollocks.
    * el último + Nombre = the latest + Nombre.
    * el último pero no el menos importante = the last but by no means least.
    * el único = the one and only.
    * el único e incomparable = the one and only.
    * el único e inimitable = the one and only.
    * el único problema = a fly in the soup, the fly in the ointment.
    * el verdadero = the real McCoy.
    * el verdadero problema = the elephant in the room.
    * el ver televisión = television viewing.
    * el viejo = the elder.
    * el vulgo = the great unwashed.
    * el yugo de = the shackles of.
    * espicharlas = kick + the bucket.
    * la = the, ye.
    * la alternativa + ser = the alternative + be.
    * la belleza es superficial = beauty is only skin deep.
    * La Biblioteca Responde = Ask the Library.
    * la Biblioteca y el Archivo de Canadá = Library and Archives Canada.
    * la buena noticia = the good news.
    * la calidad es nuestro lema = quality is our middle name.
    * la calma que precede a la tormenta = the lull before the storm.
    * la cambiante fisonomía de = the changing face of, the changing nature of.
    * la caridad empieza por uno mismo = charity begins at home.
    * la ciudadana de a pie = the average Jane.
    * la ciudadana media = the average Jane.
    * la ciudad que nunca duerme = the city that never sleeps.
    * la clave de = at the heart of.
    * la clave está en la letra pequeña = the devil (is/lives) in the details.
    * la comunidad en general = the community at large.
    * la Convención de la Haya de 1954 = the 1954 Hague Convention.
    * la copa del árbol = the top of the tree.
    * la cosa es que = the thing is.
    * la cosa principal = the number one thing.
    * la crème de la crème = the cream of the crop, crème de la crème.
    * la cruz de = the bane of.
    * la cuestión es que = the thing is.
    * la década de los + Número = the + Número + s.
    * la demanda de = a call for.
    * la diversidad de = the range of.
    * la diversidad de + Nombre = the many + Nombre.
    * la edad se lleva en el alma = you are as old as you feel.
    * la época de Algo = in season.
    * la escoria de la sociedad = the gutter.
    * la espalda de = the back of.
    * la evidencia = the writing on the wall.
    * la fe mueve montañas = faith will move mountains.
    * la filosofía de = the reason behind, the reasoning behind.
    * la flor de + Nombre = the prime of + Nombre.
    * la flor y nata = the cream of the crop, crème de la crème.
    * la forma correcta de hacer las cosas = the way to go.
    * la forma de = ways and means (of/for/to/in/by).
    * la forma de + Infinitivo = the way to go about + Gerundio.
    * la forma de ver las cosas = the way + to see things.
    * la fuerza de la mayoría = strength in numbers.
    * la gente decía que = rumour had it that.
    * la gente dice que = rumour has it that.
    * la gente se está inquietando = the natives are nervous.
    * la gente se está poniendo nerviosa = the natives are nervous.
    * la gente se puso de pie para aplaudir = standing ovation.
    * la gota que colmó el vaso = the straw that broke the camel's back.
    * la Gran Manzana = the Big Apple.
    * la gran mayoría de = the vast majority of, the bulk of.
    * la historia + repetirse = history + come full circle.
    * la historia + volverse a repetir = history + come full circle.
    * la hostia = the cat's pyjamas, the cat's pyjamas, the bee's knees, the cat's meow, the cat's whiskers, the dog's bollocks.
    * la hoz y el martillo = the hammer and sickle.
    * la idea que hay detrás de = the idea behind.
    * la imaginación no tiene límites = your imagination is the limit.
    * la imitación es la mejor forma de que lo halaguen a uno = imitation is the sincerest form of flattery.
    * La Isla del Tesoro = Treasure Island.
    * la joya de = showpiece.
    * la judicatura = the Bench.
    * la justicia = the Bench.
    * la juventud no es cuestión de edad sino de espíritu = you are as old as you feel.
    * la leche = the dog's bollocks, the bee's knees, the cat's meow, the cat's pyjamas, the cat's whiskers.
    * la luz al final del túnel = the light at the end of the tunnel.
    * la magistratura = the Bench.
    * la manera de + Infinitivo = the way to go about + Gerundio.
    * la mano que mece la cuna es la mano que domina el mundo = the hand that rocks the cradle rules the world.
    * la mano que mece la cuna gobierna el mundo = the hand that rocks the cradle rules the world.
    * la mar de = a whole slew of.
    * la mayoría con mucho de = the vast majority of.
    * la mayoría de = the majority of, most + Nombre, the main bulk of.
    * la mayoría de la gente = most people, the majority of the people.
    * la mayoría de las personas = most people, the majority of the people.
    * la mayoría de las veces = most of the time, more often than not.
    * la mayoría del mundo = the majority of the world, most people, the majority of the people.
    * la mayoría del tiempo = most of the time.
    * la mayor parte de = the majority of, the main bulk of, the lion's share of.
    * la mayor parte de las veces = more often than not.
    * la medida en que = the extent to which.
    * la mejor forma de hacer Algo = best practices, lessons learned [lessons learnt].
    * la mejor manera = how best.
    * la mejor manera de = the best way of.
    * la mejor oferta = the best deal.
    * la mejor opción = the best bet.
    * la mejor salida = the best way forward.
    * la mejor solución = the best way forward.
    * la menor duda de que = no doubt whatsoever.
    * la mentira = lying.
    * la mirada en = eye(s) on.
    * la misma persona = one and the same person.
    * la mitad (1/2) = one-half (1/2).
    * la necesidad agudiza el ingenio = necessity mothers invention.
    * la ocasión la pintan calva = make + hay while the sun shines.
    * la opinión de otra persona = a second opinion.
    * la oportunidad de + Posesivo + vida = the opportunity of a lifetime.
    * la parte de atrás de = the back of.
    * la parte más dura de = brunt of, the.
    * la parte más importante = the heart of.
    * la parte principal de = the bulk of.
    * la parte superior izquierda de = the upper left of.
    * la parte trasera de = the back of.
    * la personificación de la confianza en uno mismo = confidence personified.
    * la pesadilla de = the bane of.
    * la pesca del día = the day's catch, the catch of the day.
    * la petición de = a call for.
    * la píldora = the pill.
    * la plebe = the great unwashed.
    * la polla = the dog's bollocks, the bee's knees, the cat's meow, the cat's pyjamas, the cat's whiskers.
    * la práctica hace al maestro = practice makes perfect.
    * la primera tentativa = the first time around.
    * la primera vez = the first time around.
    * la proporción mayor de = the lion's share of.
    * la próxima moda = the next hot thing.
    * la puntilla = the final/last nail in + Posesivo + coffin.
    * la que = that, the one.
    * la razón de ser = the reason for being.
    * la realidad es que = the fact remains that..., fact is, the fact is (that).
    * la rehostia = the dog's bollocks, the bee's knees, the cat's meow, the cat's pyjamas, the cat's whiskers.
    * la responsabilidad ahora recae en + Nombre = the ball is in + Posesivo + court.
    * la responsabilidad es de... = the buck + stops....
    * la riqueza de = the wealth of.
    * la ruina de = the bane of.
    * las = the, ye.
    * las 24 horas = round the clock, around the clock.
    * las apariencias engañan = don't judge a book by its cover, there's more to it than meets the eye.
    * las ataduras de = the shackles of.
    * las autoridades = the powers-that-be.
    * las cosas + cambiar = pendulum + swing.
    * las cosas + estar + claras = the (hand)writing + be + on the wall, see it + coming.
    * las cosas no pasan así como así = everything happens for a reason (and a purpose).
    * las cosas no pasan (así) porque sí = everything happens for a reason (and a purpose).
    * las cosas no son tan simples como parecen = there's more to it than meets the eye.
    * las cosas + seguir + igual = business + revolve + as usual.
    * las cosas siguen igual = business as usual.
    * las cosas sólo pasan una vez = lightning never strikes twice.
    * las cosas son más complicadas de lo que parecen = there's more to it than meets the eye.
    * las cosas tal y como son = the birds and the bees.
    * las cosas + volver + a su punto de partida = the wheel + turn + full circle.
    * las de = those for.
    * las doce del mediodía = noon.
    * la segunda mitad de + Fecha = the latter part of + Fecha.
    * la segunda opción = the next best choice.
    * la segunda vez = the second time around.
    * la semana pasada = last week.
    * la senda que lleva a = a/the doorway to.
    * la situación = the course of events.
    * la sociedad en general = society at large.
    * las posibilidades son infinitas = the possibilities are endless.
    * las profundidades del mar = the deep.
    * las profundidades del océano = the deep.
    * las pruebas = the writing on the wall.
    * las raíces se encuentran = roots + lie.
    * las raíces se remontan a = roots + lie.
    * las razones de = the reason behind, the thinking behind, the reasoning behind, the idea behind.
    * las Reglas de Cutter para un Catálogo Diccionario = Cutter's Rules for a Dictionary Catalog.
    * las triquiñuelas de la letra pequeña = the devil (is/lives) in the details.
    * la suerte + cambiar = the tide + turn.
    * la suerte estaba echada = the die was cast, the die had been cast.
    * la suerte está echada = the die is cast.
    * la suma total de = the total sum of, the sum total of.
    * las uvas están verdes = sour grapes.
    * las veinticuatro horas = day and night, day or night, night and day.
    * la temporada de Algo = in season.
    * la tierra de la abundancia = the land of plenty.
    * la tierra de las oportunidades = the land of opportunity.
    * la tira de = a whole slew of.
    * la tira de tiempo = donkey's years.
    * la triste realidad es que = the sad fact is (that).
    * la última palabra = the last word, the last word, the bee's knees, the cat's pyjamas, the cat's meow, the cat's whiskers, the dog's bollocks.
    * la última vez = last time.
    * la última vez que = the last time.
    * la única pega = the fly in the ointment, a fly in the soup.
    * la unión hace la fuerza = strength in numbers.
    * la ventaja de = the beauty of.
    * la ventaja es que = on the positive side, the advantage is that, on the bright side.
    * la verdad = the lowdown (on).
    * la verdad es que = if the truth be known, if the truth be told, the fact is (that), fact is.
    * la verdad es que... = the fact of the matter is that....
    * la verdad sea dicha = to tell the truth.
    * la verdad sea dicha que = if the truth be told.
    * la Vía Láctea = the Milky Way.
    * la vida continúa = the show must go on.
    * la vida + continuar = life + go on.
    * la vida es así = life's like that.
    * ¡la vida no es un camino de rosas! = the course of true love never did run smooth!.
    * la vida + seguir = life + go on.
    * la víspera de = on the eve of.
    * la voz de = the voice of.
    * la voz de la conciencia = the voice within.
    * la voz de la experiencia = the voice of experience.
    * la voz de la razón = the voice of reason.
    * la voz del odio = the voice of hate.
    * la voz interior = the voice within.
    * lo absurdo = ridiculousness.
    * lo adecuado = adequacy.
    * lo + Adjetivo + que sea/esté = how + Adjetivo.
    * lo anodino = blandness.
    * lo anteriormente expuesto = the preceding.
    * lo apropiado = appropriateness.
    * lo barato = inexpensiveness.
    * lo básico = essential, the, nuts and bolts, bare minimum, bare necessities, the, the lowdown (on).
    * lo bastante elevado = high enough.
    * lo bastante extenso = adequately scoped.
    * lo bueno de = the beauty of.
    * lo bueno es que = the good news is (that)..., on the positive side, on the bright side.
    * lo bueno viene en frascos pequeños = small is beautiful.
    * lo bueno y lo malo = the rights and wrongs.
    * lo caro = expensiveness.
    * lo chicano = Chicana.
    * lo chulo = coolness.
    * lo cierto es que = fact is, the fact is (that).
    * lo completo = completeness.
    * lo completo que Algo está = fullness.
    * lo creas o no = believe it or not.
    * lo decisivo = the last word.
    * lo definitivo = the last word.
    * lo desagradable = unpleasantness.
    * ¿lo dices en broma? = you must be joking!, you must be kidding!.
    * lo directo = directness.
    * lo divertido = the fun part.
    * lo engorroso de = cumbersomeness.
    * lo esencial = essential, the, nuts and bolts, bare minimum, bare necessities, the, the lowdown (on).
    * lo estrafalario = zaniness.
    * lo estrambótico = zaniness.
    * lo extenso = comprehensiveness.
    * lo favorable = propitiousness.
    * lo hebraico = Hebraica.
    * lo hecho hecho está = no use crying over spilt/spilled milk.
    * lo importante es lo que eres no cómo te llamas = a rose by any other name.
    * lo imprescindible = bare necessities, the, bare minimum.
    * lo incómodo de = cumbersomeness.
    * lo indefinido = indefiniteness.
    * lo indirecto = indirectness.
    * lo indispensable = bare necessities, the, bare minimum.
    * lo insulso = blandness.
    * lo interesante = the fun part.
    * lo judío = Judaica.
    * lo lindo = cuteness.
    * lo llano = flatness.
    * lo más cercano a = the nearest thing to.
    * lo más conveniente es que = optimally.
    * lo más destacado = highlights.
    * lo más detestado = pet hate.
    * lo más importante = most of all, at its core.
    * lo más interesante = highlights.
    * lo más mínimo = so much as.
    * lo más novedoso = the last word.
    * lo más odiado = pet hate.
    * lo más parecido a = the nearest thing to.
    * lo más probable es que = most probably.
    * lo más recio de = brunt of, the.
    * lo más recóndito = nooks and crannies.
    * lo máximo = the be all and end all, the bee's knees, the cat's pyjamas, the cat's meow, the cat's whiskers, the dog's bollocks.
    * lo mejor = the top of the tree.
    * lo mejor de = the beauty of, showpiece.
    * lo mejor de ambas partes = the best of both worlds.
    * lo mejor de lo mejor = the best of the best.
    * lo mejor de todo = best of all.
    * lo mejor entre lo mejor = the best of the best.
    * lo mejor es que... = the good news is (that)....
    * lo mejor está aún por llegar = the best is yet to come.
    * lo mejor posible = to the best of + Posesivo + ability, at + Posesivo + (very) best, optimally.
    * lo mejor que pueda = to the best of + Posesivo + ability.
    * lo mejor que se puede hacer = the best bet.
    * lo mejor + ser = the beautiful part + be.
    * lo menos posible = as little as possible.
    * lo mínimo = bare minimum, bare necessities, the.
    * lo mismo ocurre con = the same goes for.
    * lo mismo ocurre en el caso de = the same is true (for/of/with).
    * lo mismo que = the same as, along the lines of, in much the same way as.
    * lo mismo que antes = the same as before.
    * lo mismo que para = the same as that for.
    * lo mismo se aplica a = the same is true (for/of/with).
    * lo molesto de = cumbersomeness.
    * lo mucho que = how extensively.
    * lo noble = high-mindedness.
    * lo no convencional = unconventional, the.
    * lo normal + ser + que = there + be + a tendency (to/for), there + be + a tendency (to/for).
    * lo oportuno = timeliness.
    * lo pasado pasado está = let bygones be bygones.
    * lo peor de = brunt of, the.
    * lo peor del = the armpit of the.
    * lo pintoresco = quaintness.
    * lo plano = flatness.
    * lo poco común = rarity, rareness.
    * lo poco convencional = unconventional, the.
    * lo primero = for one, first off.
    * lo primero de todo = first of all, first off.
    * lo prometido es deuda = a promise is a promise.
    * lo propicio = propitiousness.
    * lo público = publicness.
    * lo que = that which, what.
    * lo que aguarda a = what is on store for.
    * lo que Algo o Alguien se merece, lo que le corresponde, bastante = fair share, fair share.
    * lo que a uno cura a otro mata = one man's meat is another man's poison.
    * lo que demuestra que = which (just) goes to show that.
    * lo que el futuro depara a = what is on store for.
    * lo que es aun más inquietante = more disturbingly.
    * lo que es aun más preocupante = more disturbingly.
    * lo que es aun mejor = better still.
    * lo que es aun peor = worse still.
    * lo que es bueno para uno es bueno para otro = what's sauce for the goose is sauce for the gander.
    * lo que es bueno para uno también es bueno para otro = what's good for the goose is good for the gander.
    * lo que es más = what is more, what's more.
    * lo que es más importante = most importantly, more importantly, most of all, most important.
    * lo que es mejor aun = better still.
    * lo que es muy importante = importantly.
    * lo que es peor = what's worse.
    * lo que es peor aun = worse still.
    * lo que espera a = what is on store for.
    * lo que está bien y lo que está mal = rights and wrongs.
    * lo que existe (en el mercado) = what's out there.
    * lo que haya que de ser, será = que sera sera, what's meant to be, will be, whatever will be, will be.
    * lo que hay (en el mercado) = what's out there.
    * lo que hay que hacer = do + the right thing, the way to go.
    * lo que hay que hacer y lo que hay que evitar = do's and don'ts, rights and wrongs.
    * lo que le corresponde = fair share.
    * lo que nos espera = things to come.
    * lo que quiera que = whatever.
    * lo que sea = something or other.
    * lo que se gana por un lado se pierde por otro = swings and roundabouts.
    * lo que se pierda en una cosa se gana en la otra = what you lose on the swings you gain on the roundabouts.
    * lo que + ser = what + be like.
    * lo que se suele pagar = going rate, the.
    * lo que tenga que pasar, que pase = que sera sera, what's meant to be, will be, whatever will be, will be.
    * lo que tenga que ser, será = que sera sera, whatever will be, will be, what's meant to be, will be.
    * lo que vale para tí también vale para mí = what's good for the goose is good for the gander, what's sauce for the goose is sauce for the gander.
    * lo rural = rurality.
    * los = the, ye.
    * los 365 días del año = year-round.
    * los 40 principales = Top 40 singles chart.
    * los abajo firmantes = the parties hereto.
    * los acontecimientos = the course of events.
    * lo sagrado = sacredness.
    * los albores de = the dawn of.
    * los años cincuenta = fifties.
    * los años treinta = thirties.
    * los árboles no dejan ver el bosque = lose + sight of the forest for the trees.
    * los avatares de la guerra = the tides of war.
    * los buenos tiempos = the good old days.
    * los comienzos de = the dawn of.
    * los constantes cambios de = the changing face of, the changing nature of.
    * los de = those for, those in.
    * los demás = rest, the, everybody else.
    * los detalles de la letra pequeña = the devil (is/lives) in the details.
    * los días antes de = leading up to.
    * los dos = both, both of them, both of which.
    * los efectos negativos se están dejando sentir ahora = chickens come home to roost.
    * los gobernantes = the powers-that-be.
    * los hay para dar y regalar = there's one born every minute.
    * los mandamás = the powers-that-be.
    * los más necesitados = those most in need.
    * los más pobres + Nombre = the poorest + Nombre.
    * los menos locuaces = inarticulate, the.
    * los motivos de = the reason behind, the thinking behind, the reasoning behind, the idea behind.
    * los necesitados = the needy.
    * los orígenes de = the dawn of.
    * los otros con los que aparece(n) = neighbours [neighbors, -USA].
    * los peores + Nombre = the poorest + Nombre.
    * los poderes fáticos = the powers-that-be.
    * los pormenores de la letra pequeña = the devil (is/lives) in the details.
    * Los Principios de París = Paris Principles.
    * los que = those who.
    * los que detentan el poder = the powers-that-be.
    * los que mandan = the powers-that-be.
    * los que no han recibido formación específica = uninstructed, the.
    * los que + Verbo = those + Participio.
    * los tribunales = the Bench.
    * lo suficientemente cerca = within range.
    * lo suficientemente cerca como para oír = within earshot of.
    * lo suficientemente estúpido como para = dumb enough to.
    * lo suficientemente grande = large enough, big enough.
    * lo suficientemente lejos como para no poder oír = out of earshot.
    * los últimos coletazos = fag-end.
    * lo sumo = the bee's knees, the cat's meow, the cat's whiskers, the dog's bollocks, the cat's pyjamas.
    * los unos a costa de los otros = at each other's expense.
    * los viejos tiempos = the good old days.
    * lo tomas o lo dejas = take it or leave it.
    * lo último = the last word.
    * lo uno es tan malo como lo otro = one is as bad as the other.
    * lo vanguardista = cutting edge.
    * lo yidish = Yiddica.
    * parmarlas = kick + the bucket.
    * ser lo que nos espera = be the shape of things to come.

    * * *
    el (pl los), la; (pl las)
    A (con un referente único, conocido o que se define) the
    el sol the sun
    el lápiz/la goma/los lápices/las gomas que compré the pencil/the eraser/the pencils/the erasers I bought
    no, ése no, el que te presté ayer/el de Julio/el rojo no, not that one, the one I lent you yesterday/Julio's/the red one
    en la calle Solís in Solís Street
    prefiero el mío/los tuyos I prefer mine/yours
    me atendió el estúpido del marido that stupid husband of hers served me
    yo soy la arquitecta, ella es lexicógrafa I'm the architect, she's a lexicographer
    yo fui la que lo rompí or rompió I was the one who broke it
    los nacidos entre … those born between …
    los que faltamos ayer those of us who weren't here yesterday
    ¿cuál es Ardiles? — el del sombrero negro which one's Ardiles? — the one with the black hat
    un encuentro al que asistieron muchas personalidades a meeting which was attended by many well known people
    la obra de la que or de la cual hablábamos the play we were talking about
    (con sustantivos en sentido genérico): me encanta la ópera I love opera
    odio el pescado I hate fish
    así es la vida that's life
    (nosotros) los mexicanos lo sabemos muy bien we Mexicans know only too well
    ¿ya vas a la escuela? do you go to school yet?
    ya salió del hospital she's out of the hospital ( AmE) o ( BrE) out of hospital
    en el mar at sea
    viajar por el espacio to travel in space
    (en expresiones de tiempo): ocurrió el domingo de Pascua/en el verano del 76 it happened on Easter Sunday/in the summer of '76
    mi cumpleaños es el 28 de mayo my birthday's on May 28
    el mes pasado/que viene last/next month
    no trabaja los sábados she doesn't work (on) Saturdays
    estudió toda la mañana he studied all morning
    a las ocho at eight o'clock, at eight
    a eso de las seis around six o'clock
    (cada): lo venden a $80 el kilo/metro they're selling it at $80 a kilo/a meter o at $80 per kilo/meter
    ¿cuánto cuesta el paquete de diez? how much does a packet of ten cost?
    (con fracciones, porcentajes, números): me dio la mitad/la cuarta parte del dinero she gave me half the money/a quarter of the money
    el 20% de los peruanos 20% of Peruvians
    vivo en el cuarto I live on the fifth floor ( AmE) o ( BrE) fourth floor
    (refiriéndose a partes del cuerpo, prendas de vestir, artículos personales, etc): con las manos en los bolsillos with my/your/his hands in my/your/his pockets
    ¡te cortaste el pelo! you've had your hair cut!
    tienes la falda sucia your skirt is dirty
    tienes el suéter puesto al revés you've got your sweater on inside out
    tiene el pelo largo/los ojos azules he has long hair/blue eyes
    (con apellidos acompañados de título, adjetivos, etc): llamó el señor Ortiz/la doctora Vidal/el general Santos Mr Ortiz/Doctor Vidal/General Santos phoned
    el gran Caruso the Great Caruso
    (con nombres de mujeres famosas): la última película de la Monroe Monroe's last movie
    (en plural): los Ortega (matrimonio) the Ortegas, Mr and Mrs Ortega; (familia) the Ortegas, the Ortega family
    a los Josés se les suele llamar Pepe people called José are often known as Pepe
    4 (fam: en muchas regiones crit)
    (con nombres de pila): pregúntale a la Carmen/al Ricardo ask Carmen/Ricardo
    (con algunos nombres geográficos): en la India in India
    en (el) Perú in Peru
    (al calificar): la España de Franco Franco's Spain
    el Buñuel que todos conocemos the Buñuel we all know
    la Italia del siglo pasado Italy in the last century
    (con algunos equipos deportivos): juegan contra el Juventus/el Barcelona they're playing against Juventus/Barcelona
    H el
    (con infinitivo): odiaba el tener que pedírselo he hated having to ask her
    es cuidadoso y pausado en el hablar he's careful and deliberate in the way he speaks
    el frenético girar de los bailarines the frenzied spinning of the dancers
    al + INF ver a prep B 2. (↑ a 3)
    * * *


    Multiple Entries:
    el (pl
    los), la (pl las) art the masculine article el is also used before feminine nouns which begin with accented a or ha, e.g. el agua pura, el hada madrina


    así es la vida that's life;
    (nosotros) los mexicanos we Mexicans;
    ¿ya vas a la escuela? do you go to school yet?

    las tuyas yours;
    el último the last one;
    el estúpido del marido that stupid husband of hers
    a) el + de:

    el de las nueve the nine o'clock one;
    el de mi hijo my son's
    b) el + que:

    los que estén cansados;
    those who are tired, anyone who's tired;
    la que te guste whichever you like
    3 ( en expresiones de tiempo):

    mi cumpleaños es el 28 de mayo my birthday's on May 28;
    el mes pasado last month;
    toda la mañana all morning;
    a las ocho at eight o'clock
    4 ( cada):
    $80 el metro/kilo $80 a meter/a kilo, $80 per kilo/meter

    5 (con fracciones, porcentajes, números):
    la mitad/la cuarta parte del dinero half the money/a quarter of the money;

    el 20% de … 20% of …
    6 (con partes del cuerpo, prendas de vestir, artículos personales, etc):

    ¡te cortaste el pelo! you've had your hair cut!;
    tiene los ojos azules he has blue eyes
    a) (con apellidos acompañados de título, adjetivos, etc):

    el señor Ortiz/la doctora Vidal Mr Ortiz/Doctor Vidal;

    los Ortega the Ortegas

    ver África, Argentina, etc
    él pron pers
    a) ( como sujeto) he;

    ¿quién se lo va a decir? — él who's going to tell her?he is;

    lo hizo él mismo he did it himself;
    fue él it was him
    b) (en comparaciones, con preposiciones) him;

    ( refiriéndose a cosas) it;
    llegué antes que él I arrived before him o before he did;

    con/para él with/for him;
    son de él they're his
    el art def m
    1 the
    2 (no se traduce) (ante un tratamiento formal) el sr. Gómez, Mr Gomez
    (cuando el sustantivo es general) el hambre/tiempo, hunger/time
    3 (se traduce por un posesivo) (con partes del cuerpo) se ha cortado el pelo, she's cut her hair
    (prendas) se lo metió en el bolsillo, he put it in his pocket
    (pertenencias) guarda el diario en el cajón, put your diary into the drawer
    4 (con días de la semana) iré el miércoles, I'll go on Wednesday
    5 (cuando el sustantivo está elidido) the one: prefiero el azul, I prefer the blue one
    el de las diez, the ten o'clock one
    el que está en la mesa, the one that's on the table
    el que más nos guste, whichever one we like best
    (delante de un posesivo) el de María, Maria's
    es el mío, it's mine
    él pron pers
    1 (sujeto) (persona) he
    (animal, cosa) it: fue él, it was him, fue él el que..., it was him that... o it was he who...
    2 (complemento) (persona) him
    (animal, cosa) it
    dáselo a él, give it to him, es para él, it's for him
    3 (posesivo) de él, his
    4 (oración comparativa) ella es mejor que él, she's better than him o she's better than he is
    'él' also found in these entries:
    - abajo
    - abalanzarse
    - abaratarse
    - abarquillarse
    - abarrotar
    - abarrotada
    - abarrotado
    - abastecimiento
    - abatir
    - abatimiento
    - abdicar
    - abierta
    - abierto
    - abismo
    - abogada
    - abogado
    - abominar
    - abominable
    - abordar
    - aborigen
    - aborregarse
    - abortar
    - abotargada
    - abotargado
    - abrir
    - abreviar
    - abrirse
    - absoluta
    - absoluto
    - abstención
    - abundancia
    - acabar
    - acabarse
    - acabose
    - acallar
    - acanallar
    - accionariado
    - acero
    - achacosa
    - achacoso
    - achatamiento
    - achicharrarse
    - aclarar
    - aclarado
    - acomodarse
    - acompañar
    - acondicionar
    - acostumbrada
    - acostumbrado
    - abandon
    - ABC
    - ability
    - about
    - above
    - abroad
    - abseil
    - absence
    - absent
    - absolute
    - absolve
    - absorb
    - abstract
    - academic
    - accelerate
    - accommodate
    - accomplice
    - account
    - accurately
    - accusation
    - accused
    - accustom
    - aching
    - act
    - act on
    - act up
    - actual
    - actually
    - acute
    - address
    - adequately
    - adjourn
    - admission
    - admit
    - advance
    - advanced
    - advantage
    - advantageous
    - advise
    - advocate
    - affair
    - afford
    - afloat
    - afraid
    - after
    - against
    - age
    - agenda
    - aggregate
    * * *
    el (f la, mpl los, fpl las) art determinado el is used instead of la before feminine nouns which are stressed on the first syllable and begin with “a” or “ha” (e.g. el agua, el hacha). Note that el combines with the prepositions a and de to produce the contracted forms al and del.
    1. [con valor especificador] the;
    el coche the car;
    la casa the house;
    los niños the children;
    el agua/hacha/águila the water/axe/eagle;
    fui a recoger a los niños I went to pick up the children
    2. [con sustantivo abstracto, valor genérico]
    el amor love;
    la vida life;
    el hombre Man, human beings;
    los derechos de la mujer women's rights;
    los niños imitan a los adultos children copy adults;
    el pan es un alimento básico bread is a basic food;
    la mayoría de la gente no la conoce most people don't know her;
    vuelve el biquini bikinis are back
    3. [indica posesión, pertenencia]
    se partió la pierna he broke his leg;
    se quitó los zapatos she took her shoes off;
    tiene el pelo oscuro he has dark hair;
    me han robado la maleta my suitcase has been stolen;
    se dieron la mano they shook hands
    4. [con días de la semana, fechas, horas]
    vuelven el sábado they're coming back on Saturday;
    los domingos vamos al cine we go to the movies (on) Sundays;
    llegaré el 1 de mayo [escrito] I'll arrive on 1 May;
    [hablado] I'll arrive on the first of May;
    son las siete it's seven o'clock;
    el año pasado/que viene last/next year
    5. [con nombres propios geográficos]
    el Sena the (River) Seine;
    el Everest (Mount) Everest;
    la India India;
    La Haya The Hague;
    El Cairo Cairo;
    6. [con apellido]
    la señora Márquez Mrs Márquez;
    el señor/el doctor Juárez Mr/Doctor Juárez;
    los Amaya [matrimonio] Mr and Mrs Amaya, the Amayas;
    [familia completa] the Amayas, the Amaya family;
    los Austrias the Hapsburgs;
    el Hitler español the Spanish Hitler
    7. Fam [con nombre propio de persona]
    llama a la María call Maria
    8. [con numerales, porcentajes, fracciones]
    el siete es mi número de la suerte seven's my lucky number;
    llegó el tercero he came third;
    el tercer piso the third floor;
    un aumento del 30 por ciento a 30 percent increase;
    la quinta parte (de) a fifth (of);
    el 20 por ciento (de) 20 percent (of)
    9. [en proporciones, precios]
    100 pesos el kilo 100 pesos a o per kilo
    10. [con complemento especificativo]
    el/la del sombrero the one with the hat;
    los/las de azul [cosas] the blue ones;
    [personas] the ones in blue;
    he perdido el tren, cogeré el de las nueve I've missed the train, I'll get the nine o'clock one;
    el de aquí this one here;
    ¿los del parque son amigos tuyos? were those people in the park friends of yours?;
    prefiero las del escaparate I prefer the ones in the window;
    los del fondo no se callan the people at the back won't shut up
    11. [con complemento posesivo]
    mi hermano y el de Juan my brother and Juan's;
    el mío mine;
    la tuya yours;
    los suyos theirs
    12. [con adjetivo]
    prefiero el rojo al azul I prefer the red one to the blue one;
    el/la mejor the best;
    es la mejor de la clase she's the best in the class, she's top of the class;
    los seleccionados realizarán un examen those chosen will sit an exam;
    el tonto de Ignacio se equivocó that idiot Ignacio got it wrong
    13. [con infinitivo]
    el beber tanto acabó con él all that drinking is what finished him off;
    es amante del buen comer she loves good food;
    me sienta mal el tener que decírtelo I don't like to have to tell you
    14. [con frases subordinadas]
    el/la que [cosa] whichever;
    [persona] whoever;
    los/las que [cosas] whichever;
    [personas] whoever;
    coge el/los que quieras take whichever you like;
    el que más corra whoever runs fastest, the one who runs the fastest;
    las que quieran venir que levanten la mano those who want to come o anyone who wants to come should put their hand up;
    el que no te guste no quiere decir que sea malo the fact that you don't like him doesn't make him a bad person
    15. [con valor enfático]
    ¡la pena que me dio verlo en ese estado! I felt so sorry for him when I saw him in that state!
    * * *
    I art the
    II pron
    el de … that of …;
    el de Juan Juan’s;
    el más grande the biggest (one);
    el que está … the one that is …
    * * *
    él pron
    : he, him
    él es mi amigo: he's my friend
    hablaremos con él: we will speak with him
    1) : the one
    tengo mi libro y el tuyo: I have my book and yours
    de los cantantes me gusta el de México: I prefer the singer from México
    el que : he who, whoever, the one that
    el que vino ayer: the one who came yesterday
    el que trabaja duro estará contento: he who works hard will be happy
    el, la art, pl los, las : the
    los niños están en la casa: the boys are in the house
    me duele el pie: my foot hurts
    * * *
    el det
    1. the
    ¿qué te pareció el libro? what did you think of the book?
    2. (posesivo) my / your / his / her etcétera
    ¿te has cortado el pelo? have you had your hair cut?
    ¿cuál prefieres? el azul which one do you prefer? the blue one
    ¡Ojo! Algunas veces no se traduce
    ¿quieres salir el sábado? do you want to go out on Saturday?
    el Sr. García Mr. García
    el que (persona) the one who / the one that (cosa) the one which / the one that
    con el que that... with
    en el que that... in

    Spanish-English dictionary > el

  • 8 él

    el coche the car
    la casa the house
    los niños the children
    el agua/hacha/águila the water/ax/eagle
    fui a recoger a los niños I went to pick up the children
    * * *
    1 the
    la Sra. Rodríguez Mrs. Rodríguez
    2 el de the one
    3 el que (persona - sujeto) the one who; (- objeto) the one, the one that, the one whom
    4 (cosa) the one, the one that, the one which
    * * *
    1. pron. 2. art.
    * * *
    el; la; los; las
    1) [con nombres de referente único o concreto] the

    ¿está fría el agua? — is the water cold?

    ¿ha llegado ya el abogado? — has the lawyer arrived yet?

    el tío ese* that chap

    2) [en algunos casos no se traduce]
    a) [con nombres propios]

    ¿qué manda la señora? — what would madam like?

    ha llamado el Sr. Sendra — Mr. Sendra called

    dáselo a la Luisa* give it to Luisa

    b) [con nombres en sentido genérico]
    c) [con infinitivo]

    el hacerlo fue un error — doing it was a mistake, it was a mistake to do it

    d) [con cifras, proporciones]

    ahora gano el 3% más — I now earn 3% more

    3) [traducido por el posesivo]
    4) [con expresiones temporales]
    5) (=uso distributivo)
    6) [en exclamaciones]

    ¡el frío que hacía! — it was freezing!

    7) [posesivo]

    el de, mi libro y el de usted — my book and yours

    el del sombrero rojothe one with o in the red hat

    es un traje bonito, pero prefiero el de Ana — it's a nice suit, but I prefer Ana's

    y el de todos los demás — and that of everybody else, and everybody else's


    el que

    a) + indic

    él es el que quiere — it's he who wants to, he's the one who wants to

    los que hacen eso son tontos — anyone who does that is a fool, those who do so are foolish

    b) + subjun whoever

    el que quiera, que lo haga — whoever wants to can do it

    * * *
    pronombre personal
    a) ( como sujeto) he

    ¿quién se lo va a decir? - él — who's going to tell her? - he is

    fue él — it was him, it was he (frml)

    b) (en comparaciones, con preposiciones) him; ( refiriéndose a cosas) it

    con/contra/para él — with/against/for him

    con/contra/para él — with/against/for him

    * * *
    (pl los), la (pl las) articulo
    [the masculine article el is also used before feminine nouns which begin with accented a or ha, e.g. el agua pura, el hada madrina]

    ¿ya vas a la escuela? — do you go to school yet?

    el mío/las tuyas — mine/yours

    el rojo/último — the red/last one

    los nacidos entre... — those born between...


    el + de...: la del sombrero the one with the hat; el de Valencia the one from Valencia; el de las nueve the nine o'clock one; el de Juan/de mi hijo — Juan's/my son's


    el + que...: el que acaba de entrar the one who's just come in; las que yo ví the ones I saw; los que estén cansados; those who are tired, anyone who's tired; la que te guste whichever you like; el que lo haya hecho — whoever has done it

    el mes pasado/que viene — last/next month

    4) ( cada)

    $80 el metro/kilo — $80 a meter/a kilo

    5) (con fracciones, porcentajes, números)

    la mitad/la cuarta parte del dinero — half the money/a quarter of the money

    el 20% de... — 20% of...

    el cuarto pisothe fifth floor (AmE) o (BrE) fourth floor

    6) (refiriéndose a partes del cuerpo, prendas de vestir, artículos personales, etc)
    a) (con apellidos acompañados de título, adjetivos, etc)

    el señor Ortiz/la doctora Vidal — Mr Ortiz/Doctor Vidal

    b) ( en plural)
    * * *
    = the, ye.

    Ex: The first institute, 'The Catalog: Its Nature and Prospects,' was held in New York City on October 9 and 10, 1975.

    Ex: The article 'Ye olde smart card' presents an annotated list of information sources on the credit card industry.
    * a lo extremo = to the extreme.
    * aunque no lo creas = believe it or not.
    * barrio de los ricos = upper town.
    * de los mejores = as good as any.
    * el abuelo de = the granddaddy of.
    * el acabose = the last straw.
    * el alcance = comprehensiveness.
    * el amor de + Posesivo + vida = the love of + Posesivo + life.
    * el año próximo = the year ahead.
    * el arte de = the art of, the fine art of.
    * el ataque es la mejor defensa = attack is the best form of defence.
    * el auténtico = the real McCoy.
    * el beneficio de la duda = the benefit of the doubt.
    * el bien de = the good of.
    * el buenazo de + Nombre = good old + Nombre.
    * el bueno de + Nombre = good old + Nombre.
    * el camino a seguir = the way ahead, the way to go.
    * el camino correcto = the way ahead, the way to go.
    * el camino hacia + Nombre + está lleno de + Nombre = the road (to/towards) + Nombre + is paved with + Nombre.
    * el camino hacia + Nombre + está plagado de + Nombre = the road (to/towards) + Nombre + is paved with + Nombre.
    * el camino por recorrer = the way ahead.
    * el camino que lleva a = a/the doorway to.
    * el camino recorrido = the road travelled so far.
    * el camino se hace andando = actions speak louder than words.
    * el centro de atención + ser = all eyes + be + on.
    * el charco = the big pond.
    * el ciudadano de a pie = the average Joe.
    * el ciudadano medio = the average Joe.
    * el cliente siempre tiene la razón = the customer is always right.
    * el colmo = the last straw.
    * el consejo de otra persona = a second opinion.
    * el copón = the dog's bollocks, the bee's knees, the cat's meow, the cat's pyjamas, the cat's whiskers.
    * el corazón de = the heart of.
    * el crecimiento de = the rising tide of.
    * el cual = which.
    * el de = that in, that of.
    * el diablo está en los detalles = the devil (is/lives) in the details.
    * el día del Juicio Final = the Day of Judgement.
    * El Diluvio = the Flood.
    * el dinero es el origen de todos los males = money is the root of all evil.
    * el dinero es la fuente de todos los males = money is the root of all evil.
    * el dinero mueve al mundo = money makes the world go (a)round.
    * el dinero no crece en los árboles = money doesn't grow on trees.
    * el doble = twice + as many.
    * el doble de = twice + the number of.
    * El Dorado = El Dorado.
    * el enemigo en casa = the enemy within.
    * el entonces + Nombre = the then + Nombre.
    * el espíritu de la época = the spirit of the times.
    * el estado de las cosas = the lay of the land [the lie of the land, -UK].
    * el evitar = avoidance.
    * el éxito genera éxito = success breeds success (SBS).
    * el éxito llama al éxito = success breeds success (SBS).
    * el final de = the close of.
    * el final de los problemas = the light at the end of the tunnel.
    * el fin del mundo = the ends of the earth.
    * el fin de semana = over the weekend, at the weekend.
    * el fin de todos los fines = the end of all ends.
    * el fin justifica los medios = the end justifies the means.
    * el fruto de + Nombre = the fruit of + Nombre.
    * el futuro = the way ahead, the way of the future.
    * el futuro + estar + justo a la vuelta de la esquina = the future + be + just around the corner.
    * el Gato con Botas = Puss in Boots.
    * el grado de = the extent of.
    * el grado de + Nombre = the breadth and depth of + Nombre.
    * el grado en que = the extent to which.
    * el gran hermano = big brother.
    * el guapo de + Nombre = good old + Nombre.
    * el hecho es que = fact is, the fact is (that).
    * el hecho es que... = the fact of the matter is that....
    * el hombre de la calle = the average Joe.
    * el hombre no es una isla = no man is an island.
    * el hombre propone y Dios dispone = Man proposes, God disposes.
    * el impulsor de = the power behind.
    * el interés público = the public interest.
    * El Juicio Final = The Last Judgement.
    * el lastre de = the shackles of.
    * el llevar = carrying.
    * el lugar que le corresponde a = the due place of.
    * El Mago de Oz = The Wizard of Oz, The Wizard of Oz.
    * el más = all-time.
    * el más + Adjetivo = the most + Adjetivo.
    * el más allá = hereafter.
    * el más bajo = rock-bottom.
    * el más favorito del mes = pick of the month.
    * el más leído = the most widely read.
    * el más recomendado = best of breed, the.
    * el Mediterráneo = Mediterranean Sea, the, the Med.
    * el mejor = best of breed, the.
    * el mejor de todos = the cream of the crop, crème de la crème.
    * el mejor hasta ahora = the best yet.
    * el mejor modo de = the best way of.
    * el mejor momento de todos = the time of all times.
    * el mejor + Nombre = the best available + Nombre.
    * el mejor que ha hecho hasta ahora = Posesivo + best yet.
    * el mentir = lying.
    * el mes pasado = last month.
    * el mío = mine.
    * el mismo + Nombre (+ que) = every bit as much + Nombre (+ as).
    * el mismo número = as many.
    * el modo como = the way in which.
    * el modo de = the way in which.
    * el modo de + Infinitivo = the way to go about + Gerundio.
    * el momento preciso = the point in time at which.
    * el motor de = the power behind.
    * el movimiento se demuestra andando = actions speak louder than words.
    * el muerto al hoyo y el vivo al bollo = dead men have no friends.
    * el mundo de las noticias = newsmaking.
    * el mundo en la palma de la mano = the world in the palm of + Posesivo + hand.
    * el mundo está a sus pies = the world is + Posesivo + oyster.
    * el mundo es un pañuelo = it's a small world.
    * el + Nombre + correcto al + Nombre + adecuado en el momento oportuno = the right + Nombre + to the right + Nombre + at the right time.
    * el + Nombre + es inestimable = the + Nombre + cannot be overestimated.
    * el + Nombre + más completo = the + Nombre + to end all + Nombre.
    * el no va más = the be all and end all, the bee's knees, the cat's pyjamas, the cat's meow, the cat's whiskers, the dog's bollocks.
    * el nuevo aspecto de = the changing face of, the changing nature of.
    * el orgullo de = showpiece.
    * el otro lado de la barrera = the other side of the fence.
    * el padre de = the father of.
    * el pan nuestro de cada día = all in a day's work.
    * el paso del tiempo = the passage of time, the sands of time.
    * el peor de todos = the worst of the lot.
    * el perro es el mejor amigo del hombre = a dog is man's best friend.
    * el peso de = brunt of, the.
    * el populacho = the great unwashed.
    * el porqué de = the reason behind, the thinking behind, the reasoning behind, the idea behind.
    * el portavoz de = the voice of.
    * el presente = thisness.
    * el primer intento = the first time around.
    * el primer + Nombre = the earliest + Nombre.
    * el primero mencionado = former.
    * el principal = the number one.
    * el principio de = the dawn of.
    * el principio del fin = the beginning of the end.
    * el principio de + Mes/Estación = early + Mes/Estación.
    * el problema no es el qué, sino el cómo = the devil (is/lives) in the details.
    * el problema obvio = the elephant in the room.
    * el proletariado = the great unwashed.
    * el pulmón de = the heart of.
    * el punto más bajo = rock-bottom.
    * el que = that, the one.
    * el que aprende = learner.
    * el que las hace, las paga = you've made your bed, now you must lie in it!.
    * el que lo encuentre se lo queda = finders keepers.
    * el que mantiene a la familia = breadwinner [bread winner].
    * el que mucho abarca poco aprieta = jack of all trades, master of none.
    * el que no llora, no mama = the squeaky (squeaking) wheel gets the grease (the oil/oiled).
    * el que no se aventura no cruza el mar = nothing ventured, nothing gained.
    * el que pregunta = inquirer [enquirer, -UK].
    * el quid de la cuestión = the crux of the problem, the crux of the matter.
    * el registro de los registros = record-of-record.
    * el registro modelo = record-of-record.
    * el resto = rest, the.
    * el resto (de) = the remainder (of), the rest (of).
    * El Salvador = El Salvador.
    * el segundo mencionado = latter.
    * el sendero que lleva a = a/the doorway to.
    * el ser barato = cheapness.
    * el siguiente no, el otro = next but one.
    * el sitio adecuado en el momento adecuado = the right place at the right time.
    * el sueño de toda persona = the stuff dreams are made of.
    * el sueño de todos = the stuff dreams are made of.
    * el sueño de todo ser viviente = the stuff dreams are made of.
    * el súmmum = the bee's knees, the cat's pyjamas, the cat's meow, the cat's whiskers, the dog's bollocks.
    * el tamaño de = the extent of.
    * el tema de la discusión = the focus of the discussion.
    * el tema del debate = the focus of the discussion.
    * el tiempo de Algo = in season.
    * el tiempo es oro = time is money.
    * el tiempo lo dirá = only time will tell.
    * el tiempo vuela = time flies (by).
    * el tipo de = the range of.
    * el todo es más grande que la suma de sus partes = the whole is greater than the sum of its parts.
    * el total de = the total sum of, the sum total of.
    * el transcurrir del tiempo = the sands of time.
    * el transcurso del tiempo = as time goes by.
    * el último citado = latter.
    * el último grito = the last word, the cat's meow, the bee's knees, the cat's pyjamas, the cat's whiskers, the dog's bollocks.
    * el último + Nombre = the latest + Nombre.
    * el último pero no el menos importante = the last but by no means least.
    * el único = the one and only.
    * el único e incomparable = the one and only.
    * el único e inimitable = the one and only.
    * el único problema = a fly in the soup, the fly in the ointment.
    * el verdadero = the real McCoy.
    * el verdadero problema = the elephant in the room.
    * el ver televisión = television viewing.
    * el viejo = the elder.
    * el vulgo = the great unwashed.
    * el yugo de = the shackles of.
    * espicharlas = kick + the bucket.
    * la = the, ye.
    * la alternativa + ser = the alternative + be.
    * la belleza es superficial = beauty is only skin deep.
    * La Biblioteca Responde = Ask the Library.
    * la Biblioteca y el Archivo de Canadá = Library and Archives Canada.
    * la buena noticia = the good news.
    * la calidad es nuestro lema = quality is our middle name.
    * la calma que precede a la tormenta = the lull before the storm.
    * la cambiante fisonomía de = the changing face of, the changing nature of.
    * la caridad empieza por uno mismo = charity begins at home.
    * la ciudadana de a pie = the average Jane.
    * la ciudadana media = the average Jane.
    * la ciudad que nunca duerme = the city that never sleeps.
    * la clave de = at the heart of.
    * la clave está en la letra pequeña = the devil (is/lives) in the details.
    * la comunidad en general = the community at large.
    * la Convención de la Haya de 1954 = the 1954 Hague Convention.
    * la copa del árbol = the top of the tree.
    * la cosa es que = the thing is.
    * la cosa principal = the number one thing.
    * la crème de la crème = the cream of the crop, crème de la crème.
    * la cruz de = the bane of.
    * la cuestión es que = the thing is.
    * la década de los + Número = the + Número + s.
    * la demanda de = a call for.
    * la diversidad de = the range of.
    * la diversidad de + Nombre = the many + Nombre.
    * la edad se lleva en el alma = you are as old as you feel.
    * la época de Algo = in season.
    * la escoria de la sociedad = the gutter.
    * la espalda de = the back of.
    * la evidencia = the writing on the wall.
    * la fe mueve montañas = faith will move mountains.
    * la filosofía de = the reason behind, the reasoning behind.
    * la flor de + Nombre = the prime of + Nombre.
    * la flor y nata = the cream of the crop, crème de la crème.
    * la forma correcta de hacer las cosas = the way to go.
    * la forma de = ways and means (of/for/to/in/by).
    * la forma de + Infinitivo = the way to go about + Gerundio.
    * la forma de ver las cosas = the way + to see things.
    * la fuerza de la mayoría = strength in numbers.
    * la gente decía que = rumour had it that.
    * la gente dice que = rumour has it that.
    * la gente se está inquietando = the natives are nervous.
    * la gente se está poniendo nerviosa = the natives are nervous.
    * la gente se puso de pie para aplaudir = standing ovation.
    * la gota que colmó el vaso = the straw that broke the camel's back.
    * la Gran Manzana = the Big Apple.
    * la gran mayoría de = the vast majority of, the bulk of.
    * la historia + repetirse = history + come full circle.
    * la historia + volverse a repetir = history + come full circle.
    * la hostia = the cat's pyjamas, the cat's pyjamas, the bee's knees, the cat's meow, the cat's whiskers, the dog's bollocks.
    * la hoz y el martillo = the hammer and sickle.
    * la idea que hay detrás de = the idea behind.
    * la imaginación no tiene límites = your imagination is the limit.
    * la imitación es la mejor forma de que lo halaguen a uno = imitation is the sincerest form of flattery.
    * La Isla del Tesoro = Treasure Island.
    * la joya de = showpiece.
    * la judicatura = the Bench.
    * la justicia = the Bench.
    * la juventud no es cuestión de edad sino de espíritu = you are as old as you feel.
    * la leche = the dog's bollocks, the bee's knees, the cat's meow, the cat's pyjamas, the cat's whiskers.
    * la luz al final del túnel = the light at the end of the tunnel.
    * la magistratura = the Bench.
    * la manera de + Infinitivo = the way to go about + Gerundio.
    * la mano que mece la cuna es la mano que domina el mundo = the hand that rocks the cradle rules the world.
    * la mano que mece la cuna gobierna el mundo = the hand that rocks the cradle rules the world.
    * la mar de = a whole slew of.
    * la mayoría con mucho de = the vast majority of.
    * la mayoría de = the majority of, most + Nombre, the main bulk of.
    * la mayoría de la gente = most people, the majority of the people.
    * la mayoría de las personas = most people, the majority of the people.
    * la mayoría de las veces = most of the time, more often than not.
    * la mayoría del mundo = the majority of the world, most people, the majority of the people.
    * la mayoría del tiempo = most of the time.
    * la mayor parte de = the majority of, the main bulk of, the lion's share of.
    * la mayor parte de las veces = more often than not.
    * la medida en que = the extent to which.
    * la mejor forma de hacer Algo = best practices, lessons learned [lessons learnt].
    * la mejor manera = how best.
    * la mejor manera de = the best way of.
    * la mejor oferta = the best deal.
    * la mejor opción = the best bet.
    * la mejor salida = the best way forward.
    * la mejor solución = the best way forward.
    * la menor duda de que = no doubt whatsoever.
    * la mentira = lying.
    * la mirada en = eye(s) on.
    * la misma persona = one and the same person.
    * la mitad (1/2) = one-half (1/2).
    * la necesidad agudiza el ingenio = necessity mothers invention.
    * la ocasión la pintan calva = make + hay while the sun shines.
    * la opinión de otra persona = a second opinion.
    * la oportunidad de + Posesivo + vida = the opportunity of a lifetime.
    * la parte de atrás de = the back of.
    * la parte más dura de = brunt of, the.
    * la parte más importante = the heart of.
    * la parte principal de = the bulk of.
    * la parte superior izquierda de = the upper left of.
    * la parte trasera de = the back of.
    * la personificación de la confianza en uno mismo = confidence personified.
    * la pesadilla de = the bane of.
    * la pesca del día = the day's catch, the catch of the day.
    * la petición de = a call for.
    * la píldora = the pill.
    * la plebe = the great unwashed.
    * la polla = the dog's bollocks, the bee's knees, the cat's meow, the cat's pyjamas, the cat's whiskers.
    * la práctica hace al maestro = practice makes perfect.
    * la primera tentativa = the first time around.
    * la primera vez = the first time around.
    * la proporción mayor de = the lion's share of.
    * la próxima moda = the next hot thing.
    * la puntilla = the final/last nail in + Posesivo + coffin.
    * la que = that, the one.
    * la razón de ser = the reason for being.
    * la realidad es que = the fact remains that..., fact is, the fact is (that).
    * la rehostia = the dog's bollocks, the bee's knees, the cat's meow, the cat's pyjamas, the cat's whiskers.
    * la responsabilidad ahora recae en + Nombre = the ball is in + Posesivo + court.
    * la responsabilidad es de... = the buck + stops....
    * la riqueza de = the wealth of.
    * la ruina de = the bane of.
    * las = the, ye.
    * las 24 horas = round the clock, around the clock.
    * las apariencias engañan = don't judge a book by its cover, there's more to it than meets the eye.
    * las ataduras de = the shackles of.
    * las autoridades = the powers-that-be.
    * las cosas + cambiar = pendulum + swing.
    * las cosas + estar + claras = the (hand)writing + be + on the wall, see it + coming.
    * las cosas no pasan así como así = everything happens for a reason (and a purpose).
    * las cosas no pasan (así) porque sí = everything happens for a reason (and a purpose).
    * las cosas no son tan simples como parecen = there's more to it than meets the eye.
    * las cosas + seguir + igual = business + revolve + as usual.
    * las cosas siguen igual = business as usual.
    * las cosas sólo pasan una vez = lightning never strikes twice.
    * las cosas son más complicadas de lo que parecen = there's more to it than meets the eye.
    * las cosas tal y como son = the birds and the bees.
    * las cosas + volver + a su punto de partida = the wheel + turn + full circle.
    * las de = those for.
    * las doce del mediodía = noon.
    * la segunda mitad de + Fecha = the latter part of + Fecha.
    * la segunda opción = the next best choice.
    * la segunda vez = the second time around.
    * la semana pasada = last week.
    * la senda que lleva a = a/the doorway to.
    * la situación = the course of events.
    * la sociedad en general = society at large.
    * las posibilidades son infinitas = the possibilities are endless.
    * las profundidades del mar = the deep.
    * las profundidades del océano = the deep.
    * las pruebas = the writing on the wall.
    * las raíces se encuentran = roots + lie.
    * las raíces se remontan a = roots + lie.
    * las razones de = the reason behind, the thinking behind, the reasoning behind, the idea behind.
    * las Reglas de Cutter para un Catálogo Diccionario = Cutter's Rules for a Dictionary Catalog.
    * las triquiñuelas de la letra pequeña = the devil (is/lives) in the details.
    * la suerte + cambiar = the tide + turn.
    * la suerte estaba echada = the die was cast, the die had been cast.
    * la suerte está echada = the die is cast.
    * la suma total de = the total sum of, the sum total of.
    * las uvas están verdes = sour grapes.
    * las veinticuatro horas = day and night, day or night, night and day.
    * la temporada de Algo = in season.
    * la tierra de la abundancia = the land of plenty.
    * la tierra de las oportunidades = the land of opportunity.
    * la tira de = a whole slew of.
    * la tira de tiempo = donkey's years.
    * la triste realidad es que = the sad fact is (that).
    * la última palabra = the last word, the last word, the bee's knees, the cat's pyjamas, the cat's meow, the cat's whiskers, the dog's bollocks.
    * la última vez = last time.
    * la última vez que = the last time.
    * la única pega = the fly in the ointment, a fly in the soup.
    * la unión hace la fuerza = strength in numbers.
    * la ventaja de = the beauty of.
    * la ventaja es que = on the positive side, the advantage is that, on the bright side.
    * la verdad = the lowdown (on).
    * la verdad es que = if the truth be known, if the truth be told, the fact is (that), fact is.
    * la verdad es que... = the fact of the matter is that....
    * la verdad sea dicha = to tell the truth.
    * la verdad sea dicha que = if the truth be told.
    * la Vía Láctea = the Milky Way.
    * la vida continúa = the show must go on.
    * la vida + continuar = life + go on.
    * la vida es así = life's like that.
    * ¡la vida no es un camino de rosas! = the course of true love never did run smooth!.
    * la vida + seguir = life + go on.
    * la víspera de = on the eve of.
    * la voz de = the voice of.
    * la voz de la conciencia = the voice within.
    * la voz de la experiencia = the voice of experience.
    * la voz de la razón = the voice of reason.
    * la voz del odio = the voice of hate.
    * la voz interior = the voice within.
    * lo absurdo = ridiculousness.
    * lo adecuado = adequacy.
    * lo + Adjetivo + que sea/esté = how + Adjetivo.
    * lo anodino = blandness.
    * lo anteriormente expuesto = the preceding.
    * lo apropiado = appropriateness.
    * lo barato = inexpensiveness.
    * lo básico = essential, the, nuts and bolts, bare minimum, bare necessities, the, the lowdown (on).
    * lo bastante elevado = high enough.
    * lo bastante extenso = adequately scoped.
    * lo bueno de = the beauty of.
    * lo bueno es que = the good news is (that)..., on the positive side, on the bright side.
    * lo bueno viene en frascos pequeños = small is beautiful.
    * lo bueno y lo malo = the rights and wrongs.
    * lo caro = expensiveness.
    * lo chicano = Chicana.
    * lo chulo = coolness.
    * lo cierto es que = fact is, the fact is (that).
    * lo completo = completeness.
    * lo completo que Algo está = fullness.
    * lo creas o no = believe it or not.
    * lo decisivo = the last word.
    * lo definitivo = the last word.
    * lo desagradable = unpleasantness.
    * ¿lo dices en broma? = you must be joking!, you must be kidding!.
    * lo directo = directness.
    * lo divertido = the fun part.
    * lo engorroso de = cumbersomeness.
    * lo esencial = essential, the, nuts and bolts, bare minimum, bare necessities, the, the lowdown (on).
    * lo estrafalario = zaniness.
    * lo estrambótico = zaniness.
    * lo extenso = comprehensiveness.
    * lo favorable = propitiousness.
    * lo hebraico = Hebraica.
    * lo hecho hecho está = no use crying over spilt/spilled milk.
    * lo importante es lo que eres no cómo te llamas = a rose by any other name.
    * lo imprescindible = bare necessities, the, bare minimum.
    * lo incómodo de = cumbersomeness.
    * lo indefinido = indefiniteness.
    * lo indirecto = indirectness.
    * lo indispensable = bare necessities, the, bare minimum.
    * lo insulso = blandness.
    * lo interesante = the fun part.
    * lo judío = Judaica.
    * lo lindo = cuteness.
    * lo llano = flatness.
    * lo más cercano a = the nearest thing to.
    * lo más conveniente es que = optimally.
    * lo más destacado = highlights.
    * lo más detestado = pet hate.
    * lo más importante = most of all, at its core.
    * lo más interesante = highlights.
    * lo más mínimo = so much as.
    * lo más novedoso = the last word.
    * lo más odiado = pet hate.
    * lo más parecido a = the nearest thing to.
    * lo más probable es que = most probably.
    * lo más recio de = brunt of, the.
    * lo más recóndito = nooks and crannies.
    * lo máximo = the be all and end all, the bee's knees, the cat's pyjamas, the cat's meow, the cat's whiskers, the dog's bollocks.
    * lo mejor = the top of the tree.
    * lo mejor de = the beauty of, showpiece.
    * lo mejor de ambas partes = the best of both worlds.
    * lo mejor de lo mejor = the best of the best.
    * lo mejor de todo = best of all.
    * lo mejor entre lo mejor = the best of the best.
    * lo mejor es que... = the good news is (that)....
    * lo mejor está aún por llegar = the best is yet to come.
    * lo mejor posible = to the best of + Posesivo + ability, at + Posesivo + (very) best, optimally.
    * lo mejor que pueda = to the best of + Posesivo + ability.
    * lo mejor que se puede hacer = the best bet.
    * lo mejor + ser = the beautiful part + be.
    * lo menos posible = as little as possible.
    * lo mínimo = bare minimum, bare necessities, the.
    * lo mismo ocurre con = the same goes for.
    * lo mismo ocurre en el caso de = the same is true (for/of/with).
    * lo mismo que = the same as, along the lines of, in much the same way as.
    * lo mismo que antes = the same as before.
    * lo mismo que para = the same as that for.
    * lo mismo se aplica a = the same is true (for/of/with).
    * lo molesto de = cumbersomeness.
    * lo mucho que = how extensively.
    * lo noble = high-mindedness.
    * lo no convencional = unconventional, the.
    * lo normal + ser + que = there + be + a tendency (to/for), there + be + a tendency (to/for).
    * lo oportuno = timeliness.
    * lo pasado pasado está = let bygones be bygones.
    * lo peor de = brunt of, the.
    * lo peor del = the armpit of the.
    * lo pintoresco = quaintness.
    * lo plano = flatness.
    * lo poco común = rarity, rareness.
    * lo poco convencional = unconventional, the.
    * lo primero = for one, first off.
    * lo primero de todo = first of all, first off.
    * lo prometido es deuda = a promise is a promise.
    * lo propicio = propitiousness.
    * lo público = publicness.
    * lo que = that which, what.
    * lo que aguarda a = what is on store for.
    * lo que Algo o Alguien se merece, lo que le corresponde, bastante = fair share, fair share.
    * lo que a uno cura a otro mata = one man's meat is another man's poison.
    * lo que demuestra que = which (just) goes to show that.
    * lo que el futuro depara a = what is on store for.
    * lo que es aun más inquietante = more disturbingly.
    * lo que es aun más preocupante = more disturbingly.
    * lo que es aun mejor = better still.
    * lo que es aun peor = worse still.
    * lo que es bueno para uno es bueno para otro = what's sauce for the goose is sauce for the gander.
    * lo que es bueno para uno también es bueno para otro = what's good for the goose is good for the gander.
    * lo que es más = what is more, what's more.
    * lo que es más importante = most importantly, more importantly, most of all, most important.
    * lo que es mejor aun = better still.
    * lo que es muy importante = importantly.
    * lo que es peor = what's worse.
    * lo que es peor aun = worse still.
    * lo que espera a = what is on store for.
    * lo que está bien y lo que está mal = rights and wrongs.
    * lo que existe (en el mercado) = what's out there.
    * lo que haya que de ser, será = que sera sera, what's meant to be, will be, whatever will be, will be.
    * lo que hay (en el mercado) = what's out there.
    * lo que hay que hacer = do + the right thing, the way to go.
    * lo que hay que hacer y lo que hay que evitar = do's and don'ts, rights and wrongs.
    * lo que le corresponde = fair share.
    * lo que nos espera = things to come.
    * lo que quiera que = whatever.
    * lo que sea = something or other.
    * lo que se gana por un lado se pierde por otro = swings and roundabouts.
    * lo que se pierda en una cosa se gana en la otra = what you lose on the swings you gain on the roundabouts.
    * lo que + ser = what + be like.
    * lo que se suele pagar = going rate, the.
    * lo que tenga que pasar, que pase = que sera sera, what's meant to be, will be, whatever will be, will be.
    * lo que tenga que ser, será = que sera sera, whatever will be, will be, what's meant to be, will be.
    * lo que vale para tí también vale para mí = what's good for the goose is good for the gander, what's sauce for the goose is sauce for the gander.
    * lo rural = rurality.
    * los = the, ye.
    * los 365 días del año = year-round.
    * los 40 principales = Top 40 singles chart.
    * los abajo firmantes = the parties hereto.
    * los acontecimientos = the course of events.
    * lo sagrado = sacredness.
    * los albores de = the dawn of.
    * los años cincuenta = fifties.
    * los años treinta = thirties.
    * los árboles no dejan ver el bosque = lose + sight of the forest for the trees.
    * los avatares de la guerra = the tides of war.
    * los buenos tiempos = the good old days.
    * los comienzos de = the dawn of.
    * los constantes cambios de = the changing face of, the changing nature of.
    * los de = those for, those in.
    * los demás = rest, the, everybody else.
    * los detalles de la letra pequeña = the devil (is/lives) in the details.
    * los días antes de = leading up to.
    * los dos = both, both of them, both of which.
    * los efectos negativos se están dejando sentir ahora = chickens come home to roost.
    * los gobernantes = the powers-that-be.
    * los hay para dar y regalar = there's one born every minute.
    * los mandamás = the powers-that-be.
    * los más necesitados = those most in need.
    * los más pobres + Nombre = the poorest + Nombre.
    * los menos locuaces = inarticulate, the.
    * los motivos de = the reason behind, the thinking behind, the reasoning behind, the idea behind.
    * los necesitados = the needy.
    * los orígenes de = the dawn of.
    * los otros con los que aparece(n) = neighbours [neighbors, -USA].
    * los peores + Nombre = the poorest + Nombre.
    * los poderes fáticos = the powers-that-be.
    * los pormenores de la letra pequeña = the devil (is/lives) in the details.
    * Los Principios de París = Paris Principles.
    * los que = those who.
    * los que detentan el poder = the powers-that-be.
    * los que mandan = the powers-that-be.
    * los que no han recibido formación específica = uninstructed, the.
    * los que + Verbo = those + Participio.
    * los tribunales = the Bench.
    * lo suficientemente cerca = within range.
    * lo suficientemente cerca como para oír = within earshot of.
    * lo suficientemente estúpido como para = dumb enough to.
    * lo suficientemente grande = large enough, big enough.
    * lo suficientemente lejos como para no poder oír = out of earshot.
    * los últimos coletazos = fag-end.
    * lo sumo = the bee's knees, the cat's meow, the cat's whiskers, the dog's bollocks, the cat's pyjamas.
    * los unos a costa de los otros = at each other's expense.
    * los viejos tiempos = the good old days.
    * lo tomas o lo dejas = take it or leave it.
    * lo último = the last word.
    * lo uno es tan malo como lo otro = one is as bad as the other.
    * lo vanguardista = cutting edge.
    * lo yidish = Yiddica.
    * parmarlas = kick + the bucket.
    * ser lo que nos espera = be the shape of things to come.

    * * *
    el (pl los), la; (pl las)
    A (con un referente único, conocido o que se define) the
    el sol the sun
    el lápiz/la goma/los lápices/las gomas que compré the pencil/the eraser/the pencils/the erasers I bought
    no, ése no, el que te presté ayer/el de Julio/el rojo no, not that one, the one I lent you yesterday/Julio's/the red one
    en la calle Solís in Solís Street
    prefiero el mío/los tuyos I prefer mine/yours
    me atendió el estúpido del marido that stupid husband of hers served me
    yo soy la arquitecta, ella es lexicógrafa I'm the architect, she's a lexicographer
    yo fui la que lo rompí or rompió I was the one who broke it
    los nacidos entre … those born between …
    los que faltamos ayer those of us who weren't here yesterday
    ¿cuál es Ardiles? — el del sombrero negro which one's Ardiles? — the one with the black hat
    un encuentro al que asistieron muchas personalidades a meeting which was attended by many well known people
    la obra de la que or de la cual hablábamos the play we were talking about
    (con sustantivos en sentido genérico): me encanta la ópera I love opera
    odio el pescado I hate fish
    así es la vida that's life
    (nosotros) los mexicanos lo sabemos muy bien we Mexicans know only too well
    ¿ya vas a la escuela? do you go to school yet?
    ya salió del hospital she's out of the hospital ( AmE) o ( BrE) out of hospital
    en el mar at sea
    viajar por el espacio to travel in space
    (en expresiones de tiempo): ocurrió el domingo de Pascua/en el verano del 76 it happened on Easter Sunday/in the summer of '76
    mi cumpleaños es el 28 de mayo my birthday's on May 28
    el mes pasado/que viene last/next month
    no trabaja los sábados she doesn't work (on) Saturdays
    estudió toda la mañana he studied all morning
    a las ocho at eight o'clock, at eight
    a eso de las seis around six o'clock
    (cada): lo venden a $80 el kilo/metro they're selling it at $80 a kilo/a meter o at $80 per kilo/meter
    ¿cuánto cuesta el paquete de diez? how much does a packet of ten cost?
    (con fracciones, porcentajes, números): me dio la mitad/la cuarta parte del dinero she gave me half the money/a quarter of the money
    el 20% de los peruanos 20% of Peruvians
    vivo en el cuarto I live on the fifth floor ( AmE) o ( BrE) fourth floor
    (refiriéndose a partes del cuerpo, prendas de vestir, artículos personales, etc): con las manos en los bolsillos with my/your/his hands in my/your/his pockets
    ¡te cortaste el pelo! you've had your hair cut!
    tienes la falda sucia your skirt is dirty
    tienes el suéter puesto al revés you've got your sweater on inside out
    tiene el pelo largo/los ojos azules he has long hair/blue eyes
    (con apellidos acompañados de título, adjetivos, etc): llamó el señor Ortiz/la doctora Vidal/el general Santos Mr Ortiz/Doctor Vidal/General Santos phoned
    el gran Caruso the Great Caruso
    (con nombres de mujeres famosas): la última película de la Monroe Monroe's last movie
    (en plural): los Ortega (matrimonio) the Ortegas, Mr and Mrs Ortega; (familia) the Ortegas, the Ortega family
    a los Josés se les suele llamar Pepe people called José are often known as Pepe
    4 (fam: en muchas regiones crit)
    (con nombres de pila): pregúntale a la Carmen/al Ricardo ask Carmen/Ricardo
    (con algunos nombres geográficos): en la India in India
    en (el) Perú in Peru
    (al calificar): la España de Franco Franco's Spain
    el Buñuel que todos conocemos the Buñuel we all know
    la Italia del siglo pasado Italy in the last century
    (con algunos equipos deportivos): juegan contra el Juventus/el Barcelona they're playing against Juventus/Barcelona
    H el
    (con infinitivo): odiaba el tener que pedírselo he hated having to ask her
    es cuidadoso y pausado en el hablar he's careful and deliberate in the way he speaks
    el frenético girar de los bailarines the frenzied spinning of the dancers
    al + INF ver a prep B 2. (↑ a 3)
    * * *


    Multiple Entries:
    el (pl
    los), la (pl las) art the masculine article el is also used before feminine nouns which begin with accented a or ha, e.g. el agua pura, el hada madrina


    así es la vida that's life;
    (nosotros) los mexicanos we Mexicans;
    ¿ya vas a la escuela? do you go to school yet?

    las tuyas yours;
    el último the last one;
    el estúpido del marido that stupid husband of hers
    a) el + de:

    el de las nueve the nine o'clock one;
    el de mi hijo my son's
    b) el + que:

    los que estén cansados;
    those who are tired, anyone who's tired;
    la que te guste whichever you like
    3 ( en expresiones de tiempo):

    mi cumpleaños es el 28 de mayo my birthday's on May 28;
    el mes pasado last month;
    toda la mañana all morning;
    a las ocho at eight o'clock
    4 ( cada):
    $80 el metro/kilo $80 a meter/a kilo, $80 per kilo/meter

    5 (con fracciones, porcentajes, números):
    la mitad/la cuarta parte del dinero half the money/a quarter of the money;

    el 20% de … 20% of …
    6 (con partes del cuerpo, prendas de vestir, artículos personales, etc):

    ¡te cortaste el pelo! you've had your hair cut!;
    tiene los ojos azules he has blue eyes
    a) (con apellidos acompañados de título, adjetivos, etc):

    el señor Ortiz/la doctora Vidal Mr Ortiz/Doctor Vidal;

    los Ortega the Ortegas

    ver África, Argentina, etc
    él pron pers
    a) ( como sujeto) he;

    ¿quién se lo va a decir? — él who's going to tell her?he is;

    lo hizo él mismo he did it himself;
    fue él it was him
    b) (en comparaciones, con preposiciones) him;

    ( refiriéndose a cosas) it;
    llegué antes que él I arrived before him o before he did;

    con/para él with/for him;
    son de él they're his
    el art def m
    1 the
    2 (no se traduce) (ante un tratamiento formal) el sr. Gómez, Mr Gomez
    (cuando el sustantivo es general) el hambre/tiempo, hunger/time
    3 (se traduce por un posesivo) (con partes del cuerpo) se ha cortado el pelo, she's cut her hair
    (prendas) se lo metió en el bolsillo, he put it in his pocket
    (pertenencias) guarda el diario en el cajón, put your diary into the drawer
    4 (con días de la semana) iré el miércoles, I'll go on Wednesday
    5 (cuando el sustantivo está elidido) the one: prefiero el azul, I prefer the blue one
    el de las diez, the ten o'clock one
    el que está en la mesa, the one that's on the table
    el que más nos guste, whichever one we like best
    (delante de un posesivo) el de María, Maria's
    es el mío, it's mine
    él pron pers
    1 (sujeto) (persona) he
    (animal, cosa) it: fue él, it was him, fue él el que..., it was him that... o it was he who...
    2 (complemento) (persona) him
    (animal, cosa) it
    dáselo a él, give it to him, es para él, it's for him
    3 (posesivo) de él, his
    4 (oración comparativa) ella es mejor que él, she's better than him o she's better than he is
    'él' also found in these entries:
    - abajo
    - abalanzarse
    - abaratarse
    - abarquillarse
    - abarrotar
    - abarrotada
    - abarrotado
    - abastecimiento
    - abatir
    - abatimiento
    - abdicar
    - abierta
    - abierto
    - abismo
    - abogada
    - abogado
    - abominar
    - abominable
    - abordar
    - aborigen
    - aborregarse
    - abortar
    - abotargada
    - abotargado
    - abrir
    - abreviar
    - abrirse
    - absoluta
    - absoluto
    - abstención
    - abundancia
    - acabar
    - acabarse
    - acabose
    - acallar
    - acanallar
    - accionariado
    - acero
    - achacosa
    - achacoso
    - achatamiento
    - achicharrarse
    - aclarar
    - aclarado
    - acomodarse
    - acompañar
    - acondicionar
    - acostumbrada
    - acostumbrado
    - abandon
    - ABC
    - ability
    - about
    - above
    - abroad
    - abseil
    - absence
    - absent
    - absolute
    - absolve
    - absorb
    - abstract
    - academic
    - accelerate
    - accommodate
    - accomplice
    - account
    - accurately
    - accusation
    - accused
    - accustom
    - aching
    - act
    - act on
    - act up
    - actual
    - actually
    - acute
    - address
    - adequately
    - adjourn
    - admission
    - admit
    - advance
    - advanced
    - advantage
    - advantageous
    - advise
    - advocate
    - affair
    - afford
    - afloat
    - afraid
    - after
    - against
    - age
    - agenda
    - aggregate
    * * *
    el (f la, mpl los, fpl las) art determinado el is used instead of la before feminine nouns which are stressed on the first syllable and begin with “a” or “ha” (e.g. el agua, el hacha). Note that el combines with the prepositions a and de to produce the contracted forms al and del.
    1. [con valor especificador] the;
    el coche the car;
    la casa the house;
    los niños the children;
    el agua/hacha/águila the water/axe/eagle;
    fui a recoger a los niños I went to pick up the children
    2. [con sustantivo abstracto, valor genérico]
    el amor love;
    la vida life;
    el hombre Man, human beings;
    los derechos de la mujer women's rights;
    los niños imitan a los adultos children copy adults;
    el pan es un alimento básico bread is a basic food;
    la mayoría de la gente no la conoce most people don't know her;
    vuelve el biquini bikinis are back
    3. [indica posesión, pertenencia]
    se partió la pierna he broke his leg;
    se quitó los zapatos she took her shoes off;
    tiene el pelo oscuro he has dark hair;
    me han robado la maleta my suitcase has been stolen;
    se dieron la mano they shook hands
    4. [con días de la semana, fechas, horas]
    vuelven el sábado they're coming back on Saturday;
    los domingos vamos al cine we go to the movies (on) Sundays;
    llegaré el 1 de mayo [escrito] I'll arrive on 1 May;
    [hablado] I'll arrive on the first of May;
    son las siete it's seven o'clock;
    el año pasado/que viene last/next year
    5. [con nombres propios geográficos]
    el Sena the (River) Seine;
    el Everest (Mount) Everest;
    la India India;
    La Haya The Hague;
    El Cairo Cairo;
    6. [con apellido]
    la señora Márquez Mrs Márquez;
    el señor/el doctor Juárez Mr/Doctor Juárez;
    los Amaya [matrimonio] Mr and Mrs Amaya, the Amayas;
    [familia completa] the Amayas, the Amaya family;
    los Austrias the Hapsburgs;
    el Hitler español the Spanish Hitler
    7. Fam [con nombre propio de persona]
    llama a la María call Maria
    8. [con numerales, porcentajes, fracciones]
    el siete es mi número de la suerte seven's my lucky number;
    llegó el tercero he came third;
    el tercer piso the third floor;
    un aumento del 30 por ciento a 30 percent increase;
    la quinta parte (de) a fifth (of);
    el 20 por ciento (de) 20 percent (of)
    9. [en proporciones, precios]
    100 pesos el kilo 100 pesos a o per kilo
    10. [con complemento especificativo]
    el/la del sombrero the one with the hat;
    los/las de azul [cosas] the blue ones;
    [personas] the ones in blue;
    he perdido el tren, cogeré el de las nueve I've missed the train, I'll get the nine o'clock one;
    el de aquí this one here;
    ¿los del parque son amigos tuyos? were those people in the park friends of yours?;
    prefiero las del escaparate I prefer the ones in the window;
    los del fondo no se callan the people at the back won't shut up
    11. [con complemento posesivo]
    mi hermano y el de Juan my brother and Juan's;
    el mío mine;
    la tuya yours;
    los suyos theirs
    12. [con adjetivo]
    prefiero el rojo al azul I prefer the red one to the blue one;
    el/la mejor the best;
    es la mejor de la clase she's the best in the class, she's top of the class;
    los seleccionados realizarán un examen those chosen will sit an exam;
    el tonto de Ignacio se equivocó that idiot Ignacio got it wrong
    13. [con infinitivo]
    el beber tanto acabó con él all that drinking is what finished him off;
    es amante del buen comer she loves good food;
    me sienta mal el tener que decírtelo I don't like to have to tell you
    14. [con frases subordinadas]
    el/la que [cosa] whichever;
    [persona] whoever;
    los/las que [cosas] whichever;
    [personas] whoever;
    coge el/los que quieras take whichever you like;
    el que más corra whoever runs fastest, the one who runs the fastest;
    las que quieran venir que levanten la mano those who want to come o anyone who wants to come should put their hand up;
    el que no te guste no quiere decir que sea malo the fact that you don't like him doesn't make him a bad person
    15. [con valor enfático]
    ¡la pena que me dio verlo en ese estado! I felt so sorry for him when I saw him in that state!
    * * *
    I art the
    II pron
    el de … that of …;
    el de Juan Juan’s;
    el más grande the biggest (one);
    el que está … the one that is …
    * * *
    él pron
    : he, him
    él es mi amigo: he's my friend
    hablaremos con él: we will speak with him
    1) : the one
    tengo mi libro y el tuyo: I have my book and yours
    de los cantantes me gusta el de México: I prefer the singer from México
    el que : he who, whoever, the one that
    el que vino ayer: the one who came yesterday
    el que trabaja duro estará contento: he who works hard will be happy
    el, la art, pl los, las : the
    los niños están en la casa: the boys are in the house
    me duele el pie: my foot hurts
    * * *
    el det
    1. the
    ¿qué te pareció el libro? what did you think of the book?
    2. (posesivo) my / your / his / her etcétera
    ¿te has cortado el pelo? have you had your hair cut?
    ¿cuál prefieres? el azul which one do you prefer? the blue one
    ¡Ojo! Algunas veces no se traduce
    ¿quieres salir el sábado? do you want to go out on Saturday?
    el Sr. García Mr. García
    el que (persona) the one who / the one that (cosa) the one which / the one that
    con el que that... with
    en el que that... in

    Spanish-English dictionary > él

  • 9 συστρέφω

    A twist up, roll up, of a whirlwind,

    μή σ' ἀναρπάσῃ.. συστρέψας ἄφνω A.Fr. 195

    , cf. Ar.Lys. 975, Th.61;

    φρυγάνων πλῆθος Act.Ap.28.3


    ἔριον περὶ μηλωτρίδα POxy. 234 ii 12

    (ii/iii A.D.); of animals, gather themselves together, in preparing to spring,

    σ. ἑαυτὸν ὥσπερ θηρίον Pl.R. 336b

    ; σ. τὸν αὐχένα, of one struggling to get loose, Eup.339; τὰ ὄμματα διὰ κενῆς, ὡς εἴ τι βλέπων, ξυνέστρεφε screwed up his eyes, Hp.Epid.7.83; συστρέψαι ἑαυτούς, of dolphins, Arist.HA 631a27; [

    τὸ χόριον] σ. περὶ αὑτὸ τὴν ὑστέραν Sor.1.71

    :— [voice] Pass., εἰ τὸ χόριον εἰς αὑτὸ συνεστραμμένον εἴη ib.73; συνεστραμμένη χείρ clenched fist, ib. 102; of a whirlwind, Men.536.4; of the moon, dub. sens. in Palchus in Cat.Cod.Astr.8(1).250.
    II of soldiers, σ. ἑωυτούς form in a compact body, for attack or defence, collect themselves, rally, Hdt.9.18; σ. εἰς ταὐτό (sc. τὰς ἵππους) Arist.HA 572b14: freq. in [voice] Pass., συστραφέντες in a body, Hdt.4.136, 6.6, cf.40;

    συστρεφόμενοι Id.9.62

    , Th.7.30;

    ξυνεστρέφοντο ἐν σφίσιν αὐτοῖς Id.2.4

    ; ὅσον.. ἦν ξυνεστραμμένον ibid.;

    ἐπὶ πεντήκοντα ἀσπίδων συνεστραμμένοι ἦσαν

    they were formed in a mass


    deep, X.HG6.4.12; so of bees, fishes, Arist. HA 629a19, 621a16.
    2 of soldiers, also, συστρέφειν ἐπὶ δόρυ wheel them to the right, v.l. in X.Lac.13.6; so prob. σ. τὸν ἵππον turn him sharply, Plu.Pyrrh.16;

    σ. τὴν ὄψιν Satyr.3

    III form into an organized whole, unite,

    τὸ Μηδικὸν ἔθνος Hdt.1.101


    τοὺς τὰς οὐσίας ἔχοντας Arist.Pol. 1304b23

    :—[voice] Pass., club together, conspire, Th.4.68, 8.54;

    ἐπ' ἐμὲ συστραφέντες ἥκουσι Aeschin.2.178

    , cf. LXX 4 Ki.10.9:—in [voice] Act., ib.3 Ki.16.9.
    IV [voice] Pass., collect, gather,

    σ. αἷμα ἐς.. Hp.Aph.5.40


    νιφετοῦ συστραφέντος Arist.Mu. 394b2

    ; of humours, gather, come to a head,

    φύματος συστραφέντος Hp.Prog.23

    ; of gravel collecting in the bladder, Id.Aër.9.
    V make the hair curl, Theodect.17.3:—[voice] Pass., συνεστραμμένα ξύλα knotted, gnarled, Thphr.HP3.11.2;

    σ. ῥίζα Id.CP1.3.3


    κιττὸς συνεστραμμένος ταῖς ῥίζαις Id.HP3.18.9

    VI condense, congeal, harden,

    τὸ ψυχρὸν συστρέφον καὶ συσφίγγον Ath.2.41b

    ; of condensing fluids by heat,

    ἐν ἡλίῳ Dsc.3.7

    ([voice] Act. and [voice] Pass.), cf. Gal.12.834, Aët.7.91; τὰ γυμνάσια τὰς σάρκας ς. Antyll. ap. Orib.6.10.15:—[voice] Pass., to be condensed, acquire substance or consistency, ἀφρὸς ς. Arist.HA 569b18; esp. in [tense] pf. part. [voice] Pass., σπέρμα ξηρὸν καὶ συνεστραμμένον ib. 523a24; νέφος ἐστὶ πάχος ἀτμῶδες ς. Id.Mu. 394a27; πῦρ ς. concentrated, Epicur.Ep.1p.28U.; compact,

    σ. τὸ εὐπαγές Phld.Po.Herc.994.34

    ; σωμάτιον ς. Arr.Epict. 1.24.8; συστρέφεσθαι καὶ ἀπεψῦχθαι, of an infant, Sor.1.108; γάλα μελιτοειδῶς συστραφέν ib.91.
    VII of sentences, narratives, and the like , bring into a close form, compress,

    ἐὰν μὴ συστρέφῃ τὰ πράγματα Cratin.85

    ; ἐνθυμήματα ς. Arist.Rh. 1419a19; σ. τὰ νοήματα, τὸν νοῦν ἐν ὀλίγοις ὀνόμασι, D.H.Isoc.11, Pomp.2.5: abs., συστρέψας γράφει writes briefly, curtly, Aeschin.3.100;

    σ. εἰπεῖν τὸ πρᾶγμα D.H. Lys.24

    :—freq. in [voice] Pass., ῥῆμα βραχὺ καὶ συνεστραμμένον a short and pithy saying, of the Spartans, Pl.Prt. 342e; λέξις συνεστραμμένη, opp. διῃρημένη, D.H.Rh.5.7;

    ἡ Ἀττικὴ γλῶσσα σ. τι ἔχει Demetr. Eloc. 177


    συνέστραπται τοῖς νοήμασι D.H.Lys.5

    . cf. Dem.19.
    b also, speak or write in an involved style, twist one's words, Antiph.52.17, 217.17.

    Greek-English dictionary (Αγγλικά Ελληνικά-λεξικό) > συστρέφω

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